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I was wondering if maybe the dev's could add a limited use server migration feature. What I'm meaning is that we could change our profile along with all our progress over from Red to Blue and vice versa. I don't know how difficult it would be for you to implement this, but I feel like we shouldn't have to start all the way over just in order to play with friends or get shorter queue times.


Thanks for considering if you choose to do so!

Beat the Kanto E4

Winning Team:

[glow=purple]Spiri[/glow][glow=black]tomb[/glow] Lvl 72

[glow=blue]Kabu[/glow][glow=orange]tops[/glow] Lvl 72

[glow=limegreen]Veno[/glow][glow=magenta]Moth[/glow] Lvl 80

[glow=darkgrey]Bron[/glow][glow=hotpink]zong[/glow] Lvl 72

[glow=blue]King[/glow][glow=darkblue]dra[/glow] Lvl 72

[glow=purple]Cro[/glow][glow=lightgrey]bat[/glow] Lvl 72


Beat the Johto E4

Winning Team:

[glow=blue]Kabu[/glow][glow=orange]tops[/glow] Lvl 90

[glow=purple]Spiri[/glow][glow=black]tomb[/glow] Lvl 92

[glow=darkgrey]Bron[/glow][glow=hotpink]zong[/glow] Lvl 90

[glow=limegreen]Veno[/glow][glow=magenta]Moth[/glow] Lvl 91

[glow=purple]Gen[/glow][glow=magenta]gar[/glow] Lvl 92

[glow=blue]Gyara[/glow][glow=lightgrey]dos[/glow] Lvl 91


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most likely not.


It would destablize any budding economy on blue if mega rich players from red came over.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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131341 I was wondering if maybe the dev's could add a limited use server migration feature. What I'm meaning is that we could change our profile along with all our progress over from Red to Blue and vice versa. I don't know how difficult it would be for you to implement this, but I feel like we shouldn't have to start all the way over just in order to play with friends or get shorter queue times.


Thanks for considering if you choose to do so!

Cool Idea.

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131596 Perhaps in the future that shouldnt be a problem if that is the reason behind that x) because at this stage ppl who started red wont go to blue.

After 400+ hours on Red, I kinda walked in circles; therefore, I took a short break, but then I heard about this new Blue server; and now I've already almost 90h of playtime on this one ^^ And I ran into some people that I met on the Red server as well

131341 or get shorter queue times.

It was true the first few days, but the login queues are pretty much the same, now

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