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Hey! For last few bosses I was noticing that on some pokes stealth rock work and on some it didn't. I thought I am dreaming, but it happened again today while fighting a boss. 


If you see closely and follow guide, you will be able to see Muk-Alolan was able to get damage by stealth rock, while when it comes to Alakazam, it shows Alakazam is immune to spikes, but there was nothing related to stealth rock, other than this, Alakazam stayed at 1 hp using focus sash makes sure that stealth rock didn't work. 


Kindly resolve this issue. If you need any other details let me know. 


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Hey @Ging13,

This is not a bug as the opposing Alakazam has the ability Magic Guard which makes the Pokémon take damage only from attacks and therefore, it does not take any damage from Stealth Rock or Spikes.

Please don't hesitate to create a new thread in Bug Resolution Center if you wish to report a different issue. Thank you and have a good day!



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The message for immunity to spikes was added to make things clear. Although a message for other hazards was not added I have forwarded this to the developers for consistency purposes.


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