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I just wanted to suggest if we could start wq acc to diff timezones from top countries with PRO players. Its been almost a year since i rejoined PRO and havent seen much of wq according to our or any near timezones. We are a great community and itll be really helpful and justified if not every but mostly everyone gets AN EQUAL chance to actually participate in wqs and win something damn useful. I still dont know how these wqs are held or acc to which timezone but all i know is its late most of the time here at my place ( not that every wq is late but most). So what if it is held for diff timezones equally. I think that is a great idea and staff should be responsible for making that possible for different timezones afterall its all you who are in charge and a DUTY and whom we can look upto.



Edited by ChiragK
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This was already suggested and it only makes sense. The starting time should be random. But was it so bad lately? I remember different starting times.
I think the WQ is started manually which means its a bit restricted to Walrosses sleep shedule.

Of course I'm talking to myself, sometimes I have to talk with an intelligent person.





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