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Hello, I'm Reth

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Hi, I'm Reth. I started playing the game a few days ago and since then have been doing my best to play through the game on both the Red and Blue server equally as I've yet to decide which to dedicate too. I've found that the game is incredibly exciting and brings a sense of accomplishment that none of the regular pokemon games can, primarily due to the online aspect but also because of the importance of Pokemon now that they can be sold.


I'm mostly interested in the competitive battling aspect so I'll be knocking off those gym leaders as fast as I can. The community also seems absolutely incredible from what I've read on the forums so far.


Big thanks to the team for creating this amazing experience, it's a breath of fresh air to pokemon and mmos.


ps: If anyone has any information on which server is best for competitive battling and has 16+ competitive guilds I'd be happy to here it. I'm also interested in guilds that have been around for a long time and run fun events. Thanks.

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Welcome to PRO Reth,


For PvP players that just started on this game Blue is preferable, since that server launched about a month ago (or less). And the Red server is already up since August 2015. So to really be one of the top PvP'ers is easier in Blue I think.


There are more PvP guilds on Red atm tho I think.


Have fun ingame! Hope to see you on both servers :Smile:


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Hey Reth, welcome to PRO. Glad to see you are enjoying it, and I commend you are playing through both as that is a lot of work. Remember to look around the forums as they have a lot of info to help you out in game. Also for which server, I would recommend Red for current competitive battles, but since you are still playing through Blue might be easier to get an initial foothold in and maybe start a pvp guild. Good luck in the world of PRO!

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136250 Hi, I'm Reth. I started playing the game a few days ago and since then have been doing my best to play through the game on both the Red and Blue server equally as I've yet to decide which to dedicate too. I've found that the game is incredibly exciting and brings a sense of accomplishment that none of the regular pokemon games can, primarily due to the online aspect but also because of the importance of Pokemon now that they can be sold.


I'm mostly interested in the competitive battling aspect so I'll be knocking off those gym leaders as fast as I can. The community also seems absolutely incredible from what I've read on the forums so far.


Big thanks to the team for creating this amazing experience, it's a breath of fresh air to pokemon and mmos.


ps: If anyone has any information on which server is best for competitive battling and has 16+ competitive guilds I'd be happy to here it. I'm also interested in guilds that have been around for a long time and run fun events. Thanks.

Just want to say hi ^^

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Thanks for the advice on server selection guys. It seems like I can either try to get into red servers existing pvp scene or get set up on blue early and hope that a pvp community grows on there as well. Blue certainly seems like the riskier option if no dedicated pvp scene develops, thoughts?

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