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Why i think we should get a new server now.


Should we get a new server very soon?  

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  1. 1. Should we get a new server very soon?

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136694 We should not get a new server right now because of a few simple reasons. 1. Servers that we currently have are not stable as they should be. 2. We just got a new server so that should be more of a focus than a newer one. It would be moronic for the devs to put more on their plates than what they already have.


And pushing for a new region isnt that a big deal too? Makes 0 sense to me, like someone said, the red server has issues, so as the Blue server, and yet, people wanting new content doesnt bug the crap out of some people, but then again, i would be worried in settling in 1st, then expand later, which means deal with the buggy stuff 1st, then implement the new regions, as a dev you know that from the 1st class you have.

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136694 We should not get a new server right now because of a few simple reasons. 1. Servers that we currently have are not stable as they should be. 2. We just got a new server so that should be more of a focus than a newer one. It would be moronic for the devs to put more on their plates than what they already have.


And pushing for a new region isnt that a big deal too? Makes 0 sense to me, like someone said, the red server has issues, so as the Blue server, and yet, people wanting new content doesnt bug the [Censored] out of some people, but then again, i would be worried in settling in 1st, then expand later, which means deal with the buggy stuff 1st, then implement the new regions, as a dev you know that from the 1st class you have.


god so many people with no clue in here. Server stability and bugs are handled by shane alone, since he is the only developer. Content is done by the content scripters and therefor by other people. Those 2 things arent related at all.

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136694 We should not get a new server right now because of a few simple reasons. 1. Servers that we currently have are not stable as they should be. 2. We just got a new server so that should be more of a focus than a newer one. It would be moronic for the devs to put more on their plates than what they already have.


And pushing for a new region isnt that a big deal too? Makes 0 sense to me, like someone said, the red server has issues, so as the Blue server, and yet, people wanting new content doesnt bug the [Censored] out of some people, but then again, i would be worried in settling in 1st, then expand later, which means deal with the buggy stuff 1st, then implement the new regions, as a dev you know that from the 1st class you have.


god so many people with no clue in here. Server stability and bugs are handled by shane alone, since he is the only developer. Content is done by the content scripters and therefor by other people. Those 2 things arent related at all.


So you're telling me 1 person handles the 2 servers by himself? okay, my point got across pushing a new region when u dont even have Red Server, let alone Blue server stable, it's kinda amateur move as a developer, but i blame the community if they are making the noise for more content, and the dev just obliged to it, nothing more to say here, u just gave me the whole picture of the server.

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136694 We should not get a new server right now because of a few simple reasons. 1. Servers that we currently have are not stable as they should be. 2. We just got a new server so that should be more of a focus than a newer one. It would be moronic for the devs to put more on their plates than what they already have.


And pushing for a new region isnt that a big deal too? Makes 0 sense to me, like someone said, the red server has issues, so as the Blue server, and yet, people wanting new content doesnt bug the [Censored] out of some people, but then again, i would be worried in settling in 1st, then expand later, which means deal with the buggy stuff 1st, then implement the new regions, as a dev you know that from the 1st class you have.


god so many people with no clue in here. Server stability and bugs are handled by shane alone, since he is the only developer. Content is done by the content scripters and therefor by other people. Those 2 things arent related at all.


well apprently they should not be the dev's working on this team am i right?

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I understand and agree with the OP's point of this thread. It is a discussion that should be ongoing.

Most of the people posting in this have no technical knowledge whatsoever and are not admins, so to knock the idea down "because the servers are not stable" or "we just got a new one" are useless because you don't know the real situation or understand it from an engineering standpoint. Let the admins speak for those reasons.


IMO, this game is brilliant but my initial experience was hindered by being kicked offline 10+ times per session on my first few days, while having to wait in a queue. If the Blue server didn't launch around the time I joined, I may have given up on PRO for a while because I couldn't play it half the time. I'd totally be willing to donate a higher amount if it meant a better gameplay experience/stability. If money is the real issue right now, perhaps alternate ways to fund the project should be discussed instead of just saying the upkeep cost is too high.

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136712 I understand and agree with the OP's point of this thread. It is a discussion that should be ongoing.

Most of the people posting in this have no technical knowledge whatsoever and are not admins, so to knock the idea down "because the servers are not stable" or "we just got a new one" are useless because you don't know the real situation or understand it from an engineering standpoint. Let the admins speak for those reasons.


IMO, this game is brilliant but my initial experience was hindered by being kicked offline 10+ times per session on my first few days, while having to wait in a queue. If the Blue server didn't launch around the time I joined, I may have given up on PRO for a while because I couldn't play it half the time. I'd totally be willing to donate a higher amount if it meant a better gameplay experience/stability. If money is the real issue right now, perhaps alternate ways to fund the project should be discussed instead of just saying the upkeep cost is too high.


This pretty much explains all why a new server wont be added in a short while after the last one just was released. You say yourself you play the game now and maybe now in a few months, and thats exactly the reason. A lot of streamers recently showed the game and while it gives a massive hype in the short run, those fanboys wont stay around for long. So while it might solve the problem now, maybe there will a great loss in the numbers of players in a few months and the results would be small groups of the playerbase distributed over different servers that arent fully populated. That argumentation isnt really well thought through and only sees what is now and not what might be in the future. - Sesshomaru


Tons of this suggestion.... it's obvious that would be nice to allow all people to play, but this game survives with donations and, if you check the forum, the staff already said lots of time in the last few days that, in the short time, due to lack of funding, they will not be able to add any new server. This is not a big company, but just a bunch of friends building this from nothing. We just need to wait. And just a consideration from me: asking to implement new servers is not a suggesion; there are everyday more players and the staff will try to fill them in the game. You joined on March 17th: I am here from when there were only 400 spots in just one server; this is just to show you that time will carry more spots. We just need to be patients. - Riccat


Opening a new server is far more complicated a decision than the ability/resources to do it. Creating a new server will inevitably effect the games community and cause more splits amongst the playerbase, and with the introduction of the blue server so recently and it still not having a proper PVP scene you may risk splitting the community even more and causing two servers to have mediocre end game scenes for a very long time.

If that happens we will be in a situation where Red is the only server that's had time to establish a community, which means new players all want to go on red. That leaves these two new servers under utilised and defeats the point of having them. The Devs know when to add new servers, it's based on community just as much as resources. - Reth


I'll explain clearly my POV, this games is totally free, even the donation system is not a "pay to play" is a "pay to improve". due some legal stuff they can't earn 99% of the money and the server must go on with donations. The main thing that the staff and Shane himself need to understand now as far as i can tell, is how many of these newbies will become active players, because if they rent another server/make these bigger and people leave the game we could say bye to pro. another point is staff, they need bigger staff to manage bigger/more servers. that's all, easy i think - Nostazz


Our 2 current Game servers run on 8 core Xeons, with 32GB RAM, and 2x512GB SSDs in RAID. These cost ALOT to rent. We had barely enough to buy hardware DDoS protection last month as well as pay for our 3+ servers (2 game servers + webserver).

Bear in mind we aren't a company, we are just a few people making a game we like.

7 months ago we had 400 capacity, now we have 3600 capacity across 2 servers. That shows you how quickly we have grown. Yes, the queues aren't ideal, but it's better than not being able to connect at all.

Image - Arnie


it's being worked on, but for now stability is priority - my point


P/s: you read all points?

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Straight on the point, no beating around the bush. It's not recommended to bite off more than one can chew. Our current staff count is rather low when you look at number of active players. It is a very big bite that staff are struggling with on regular basis. On top of that, we are talking about fans where real life has priority over a game. Current team was originally designed for one server. Any effort they put into the second one is their own bonus courtesy towards the community.


To show you an example, Red server is being moderated by the moderators while Blue one is not being moderated that much. We even have admins moderating ignoring their duties which eventually puts things on a halt and all that to please players. From my point of view, there wont be 3rd server and we aren't far away from scenario where blue server is slowly shrinking playerbase wise.


USA would be the majority of the playerbase. However, there is a 29% shrink in past 15 days. Two months ago, French were the majority, today they got reduced by more than 75%. By the time moderator manages to get on another server the troll player already did their portion and scammer already traded away Pokemon several times over. Having that in mind, the management team is constantly working on training new staff to fill the gap. Not many of them will make it staff mostly due to passing interest and lack of passion. Trusted staff is hard to find. It becomes even worse when a possible candidate comes from a server that lacks moderation and management. Eventually, you get staff that are choking. They are are wonderful people but sometimes they simply have it too much. That is all normal and it was expected to happen.


Same way staff are doing their best to make you feel wanted and needed in the community and the same way you need to return them that favor. Without them nothing of this would be possible. Our community is yet to be polished and this is one of those times where quality is more important than quantity. Be assured that it is being worked on the server stability as well as getting some quality staff in.

As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.

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136712 I understand and agree with the OP's point of this thread. It is a discussion that should be ongoing.

Most of the people posting in this have no technical knowledge whatsoever and are not admins, so to knock the idea down "because the servers are not stable" or "we just got a new one" are useless because you don't know the real situation or understand it from an engineering standpoint. Let the admins speak for those reasons.


IMO, this game is brilliant but my initial experience was hindered by being kicked offline 10+ times per session on my first few days, while having to wait in a queue. If the Blue server didn't launch around the time I joined, I may have given up on PRO for a while because I couldn't play it half the time. I'd totally be willing to donate a higher amount if it meant a better gameplay experience/stability. If money is the real issue right now, perhaps alternate ways to fund the project should be discussed instead of just saying the upkeep cost is too high.


This pretty much explains all why a new server wont be added in a short while after the last one just was released. You say yourself you play the game now and maybe now in a few months, and thats exactly the reason. A lot of streamers recently showed the game and while it gives a massive hype in the short run, those fanboys wont stay around for long. So while it might solve the problem now, maybe there will a great loss in the numbers of players in a few months and the results would be small groups of the playerbase distributed over different servers that arent fully populated. That argumentation isnt really well thought through and only sees what is now and not what might be in the future. - Sesshomaru


Tons of this suggestion.... it's obvious that would be nice to allow all people to play, but this game survives with donations and, if you check the forum, the staff already said lots of time in the last few days that, in the short time, due to lack of funding, they will not be able to add any new server. This is not a big company, but just a bunch of friends building this from nothing. We just need to wait. And just a consideration from me: asking to implement new servers is not a suggesion; there are everyday more players and the staff will try to fill them in the game. You joined on March 17th: I am here from when there were only 400 spots in just one server; this is just to show you that time will carry more spots. We just need to be patients. - Riccat


Opening a new server is far more complicated a decision than the ability/resources to do it. Creating a new server will inevitably effect the games community and cause more splits amongst the playerbase, and with the introduction of the blue server so recently and it still not having a proper PVP scene you may risk splitting the community even more and causing two servers to have mediocre end game scenes for a very long time.

If that happens we will be in a situation where Red is the only server that's had time to establish a community, which means new players all want to go on red. That leaves these two new servers under utilised and defeats the point of having them. The Devs know when to add new servers, it's based on community just as much as resources. - Reth


I'll explain clearly my POV, this games is totally free, even the donation system is not a "pay to play" is a "pay to improve". due some legal stuff they can't earn 99% of the money and the server must go on with donations. The main thing that the staff and Shane himself need to understand now as far as i can tell, is how many of these newbies will become active players, because if they rent another server/make these bigger and people leave the game we could say bye to pro. another point is staff, they need bigger staff to manage bigger/more servers. that's all, easy i think - Nostazz


Our 2 current Game servers run on 8 core Xeons, with 32GB RAM, and 2x512GB SSDs in RAID. These cost ALOT to rent. We had barely enough to buy hardware DDoS protection last month as well as pay for our 3+ servers (2 game servers + webserver).

Bear in mind we aren't a company, we are just a few people making a game we like.

7 months ago we had 400 capacity, now we have 3600 capacity across 2 servers. That shows you how quickly we have grown. Yes, the queues aren't ideal, but it's better than not being able to connect at all.

Image - Arnie


it's being worked on, but for now stability is priority - my point


P/s: you read all points?


I get what u trying to get across, but in this business u either take the risk of growing becoming sucessful or your game is never growing up, i found this game just wondering around google, no one told me anything, there's no adverstisement whatsoever...it's just "spread the word" i think if u reach out the right people, it may be a huge risk, but who knows, some of my steam friends, wanna try out the game, just for the nostalgia of it, the game i'll give it 8/10 but just 1 person doing the 2 servers maintenance/developing is a super human task, not to say ur dependant of him if something happens...no one is happy with queue system and tbh im not happy aswell, as the admin said, they grew in 7 months, that's a good amount of people they gained, so why not continue increasing, take the risk, if you dont, people will probably leave with long queue times, until it's fixed.

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136715 Straight on the point, no beating around the bush. It's not recommended to bite off more than one can chew. Our current staff count is rather low when you look at number of active players. It is a very big bite that staff are struggling with on regular basis. On top of that, we are talking about fans where real life has priority over a game. Current team was originally designed for one server. Any effort they put into the second one is their own bonus courtesy towards the community.


To show you an example, Red server is being moderated by the moderators while Blue one is not being moderated that much. We even have admins moderating ignoring their duties which eventually puts things on a halt and all that to please players. From my point of view, there wont be 3rd server and we aren't far away from scenario where blue server is slowly shrinking playerbase wise.


USA would be the majority of the playerbase. However, there is a 29% shrink in past 15 days. Two months ago, French were the majority, today they got reduced by more than 75%. By the time moderator manages to get on another server the troll player already did their portion and scammer already traded away Pokemon several times over. Having that in mind, the management team is constantly working on training new staff to fill the gap. Not many of them will make it staff mostly due to passing interest and lack of passion. Trusted staff is hard to find. It becomes even worse when a possible candidate comes from a server that lacks moderation and management. Eventually, you get staff that are choking. They are are wonderful people but sometimes they simply have it too much. That is all normal and it was expected to happen.


Same way staff are doing their best to make you feel wanted and needed in the community and the same way you need to return them that favor. Without them nothing of this would be possible. Our community is yet to be polished and this is one of those times where quality is more important than quantity. Be assured that it is being worked on the server stability as well as getting some quality staff in.


Thank you, that's the admin i like!

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136715 Straight on the point, no beating around the bush. It's not recommended to bite off more than one can chew. Our current staff count is rather low when you look at number of active players. It is a very big bite that staff are struggling with on regular basis. On top of that, we are talking about fans where real life has priority over a game. Current team was originally designed for one server. Any effort they put into the second one is their own bonus courtesy towards the community.


To show you an example, Red server is being moderated by the moderators while Blue one is not being moderated that much. We even have admins moderating ignoring their duties which eventually puts things on a halt and all that to please players. From my point of view, there wont be 3rd server and we aren't far away from scenario where blue server is slowly shrinking playerbase wise.


USA would be the majority of the playerbase. However, there is a 29% shrink in past 15 days. Two months ago, French were the majority, today they got reduced by more than 75%. By the time moderator manages to get on another server the troll player already did their portion and scammer already traded away Pokemon several times over. Having that in mind, the management team is constantly working on training new staff to fill the gap. Not many of them will make it staff mostly due to passing interest and lack of passion. Trusted staff is hard to find. It becomes even worse when a possible candidate comes from a server that lacks moderation and management. Eventually, you get staff that are choking. They are are wonderful people but sometimes they simply have it too much. That is all normal and it was expected to happen.


Same way staff are doing their best to make you feel wanted and needed in the community and the same way you need to return them that favor. Without them nothing of this would be possible. Our community is yet to be polished and this is one of those times where quality is more important than quantity. Be assured that it is being worked on the server stability as well as getting some quality staff in.


Thank you for being honest frenzy! i appreciate it. instead of trying to be cool, i now understand and thats all i wanted

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