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Feedback/Thoughts on 'Alolan Marowak Special Event'/Events


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Trying to find a very rare form chance on top of an already very rare spawn chance, under a limited time, is something only bots could do, not players. If people play less and less, then I'm sure this is one of the reasons, they are tired of seeing the game not really rewarding their grind, because the chance for a reward is too tiny to begin with, so instead, there's a very high chance that all the time and effort spent for the grind ends up worthless.



I'm still on my belief that if the Pokemon is rarer, then the form chance should also be much higher, to compensate for the rarity of the spawn. I think that's what we truly can call "Balance".
(This naturally doesn't and shouldn't apply to Pinks and shinies, which are obtainable anytime, not restricted to an event.)

As an example of what kind of good balance I'd like to see:


Anything that's Rare should have between 1/100 to 1/50 event form chance, depending on the spawn rate. If it's Repel Trick-able, then it should be between 1/70 to 1/50, basically to also compensate for the amount of money spent on repels.

Anything that's Uncommon should have between 1/500 to 1/250 event form chance, depending on the spawn rate.

Anything that's Common should have between 1/1000 to 1/800 event form chance, depending on the spawn rate.



For the upcoming Halloween event, I think we should at the very least get back that 1/50 Halloween chance for all starter Pokemon, without any change to the starters' spawn rate. That is really balanced, starter spawn is already rare to begin with, but the event form chance is good. Heck, there was one time where the Halloween form chance for all starter Pokemon is 1/20, but okay, even I think that's way too high. I'd be happy with 1/50.


Similarly, Christmas event, it's celebrating what very possibly is the biggest holiday in the world, it should be fun. The form chance, again, should be 1/1000 or higher, up to 1/50 for the rarest spawn.

Edited by Starlight
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