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I buy sableye pm me and let me know when we can trade

Edited by Eetaachee





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5 hours ago, Manbat said:

Hello @Jeque

I see you have transferred to Silver.

As you have posted in the Shiny and Special Pokemon - Gold section, it is your responsibility to transfer back to Gold to complete the trade with @Eetaachee

I will give you 24 hours to do so.


If needed to transfer to silver for force trade,I can do it.





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14 minutes ago, Manbat said:

Hello @Eetaachee

It's totally up to you, it would mean you'd possibly be paying for a server transfer.

However, if you wait for the 24 hour period i've given to Jeque to expire, you'd be saving 100 coins / a free server transfer.

Let me know what you decide to do.


If it is possible for you to force trade with me being on gold and @Jequeon silver,I would prefer to stay in Gold. If it's not possible,I would choose to transfer. 


Thank you for your cooperation and hard work. Take care!





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