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1. End time is 12/12/2022 08:10am (GMT+0)

2. I offered 12/12/2022 16:51pm (GMT+9) = 07:51am (GMT+0)

3. 14m was offered 17:54 (GMT+9) = 08:54am (GMT+9)

4. The seller said that "the other person offered with 9 minutes to go bro"


I am saying the bid screenshot is needed between 3 and 4

  • Administrator

Unfortunately, our Staff Team made a mistake and calculated the time using GMT+1 when it should have been GMT +0.

As a result, bidders have been misled and the auction has suffered as a result.


Because this was an unjust ending due to a staff error, for which I truly apologized, I have reversed all trades.

  • Taskiner received 14.000.000 (money on Nikhagos) with a Nature Reroll Ticket.
  • Lauty retrieved the Dragonite.

To make things fair, the auction will now run for another 48 hours, beginning now.


@Lauty @Laviter @Taskiner



Please do not contact staff members for private support

Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others

  • Administrator


14 hours ago, Laviter said:

is it restart? or contined auction from 14m?


Auction is extended by 48 hours, starting from my post above (https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/206955-wts-epic-dragonite-multiscale-31x2-sold/?do=findComment&comment=1198650)


It's extended starting from Taskiner offer of 14m


@Laviter @Lauty @Taskiner

Also @Taskinerif you are dissatisfied with the decision taken, just make a complaint in our forum section (https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/37-general-complaint-area/) but not spam this thread.



Please do not contact staff members for private support

Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others

I just wanted to know uncleared situation and don't intended to break this auction. I understand anger of buyer. But I also understand that staffs could make mistake. I always appreciate the service of staff and don't want staff to be trouble. So I will keep my offer 12.51m

Edited by Laviter

Hello @Taskiner @Lauty

The auction outcome has been forced.

@Taskiner 14m has been removed from your account and you now have the Dragonite.
@Lauty 14m has been added to your account.

Would like to extend my apologies to everyone involved in the auction for the misinformation, since the auction was amended by Shinohara, the auction was given a fair 48 hours to run again.

@Taskiner I understand you are frustrated with the outcome of the auction, I encourage you to make a complaint if you are still unhappy.

I will now lock this thread.

Take care,

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