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Riolu refusing to evolve


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A friend asked me for help with leveling his riolu. And at first i though he was doing it wrong.  But after constantly trying to level this riolu during the DAY. Nothing happends. 


I've tried everything. His happiness is maxed all the time. I tried killing it. And resetting it. I tried mysterieus candy. I tried everything. Nothing will make it evolve. 


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Hello @Lacunoir. My apologies for the inconvenience.


Happiness evolutions trigger the moment the happiness reaches 255. After that, the Pokémon has to reach 255 again. 

So, you will need to lower its happiness(usually done by having it faint against a wild Pokémon), then have it reach 255 again. In Riolu's case, this has to be done during daytime as well. Sometimes, there is a need to close your client and retry the process.

Can you tell me in which way you fainted the Riolu?


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9 hours ago, Epithet said:

Hello @Lacunoir. My apologies for the inconvenience.


Happiness evolutions trigger the moment the happiness reaches 255. After that, the Pokémon has to reach 255 again. 

So, you will need to lower its happiness(usually done by having it faint against a wild Pokémon), then have it reach 255 again. In Riolu's case, this has to be done during daytime as well. Sometimes, there is a need to close your client and retry the process.

Can you tell me in which way you fainted the Riolu?


I'm aware of the happiness. it has been getting happiness 255 over and over and over again. I max it out. try level it during the DAY as mentioned. and nothing happends. 
then i try to make it die in combat or other ways so the happiness goes down. And then i get it back to 255 only to try again. With no result. Been doing this over and over with 255 happiness during the day untill he is basicly lvl 100 at this point and i'm unable to keep trying

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5 hours ago, Epithet said:



Any way you can record this happening or take screenshots of the process? 

Record? I'm confused what there is to record? i have evolved Riolu before. so i know the progress. You get it to Happiness 255, and then you level it during the Day. Worked everytime. Yet for some reason this one refuses to evolve. Ive seen other people complain about this exact same issue. I would try to Record it, if you insist. Even though i don't see the point. It's kinda simple: happiness 255 + Leveling during day = Not evolving. But i can't Record it anymore since he is already lvl 100 by now. Like i stated in the previous messages. So i can't level it anymore. And the mysterieus candy also doesn't do anything. 

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A level up isn’t needed. As soon as you hit 255 happiness during daytime(10:00-19:59) , it will trigger the evolution. 

A recording will help prove that you’re doing the process correctly and prove if there’s a bug we need to look into. This process has worked for everyone else, so if you’re saying it doesn’t work for you, we need evidence it isn’t.


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