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pvp account


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hi, i already ask on discord support, but just to be 100% sure

i have 1 main account and 1 alt account playing pvp ranked on silver (2 account)

using those 2 account, as long only 1 on ladder, can i play on gold server as well?(total 2 account playing on both silver and gold) 







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Hello @Lyn1311,


Using two of your account, as long as only one is on the ladder,  you can play on the Gold server as well. It is mentioned in Rule #4 of our RANKED PVP RULES. I will try to explain this rule below.





As this rule states you can play PvP with only two of your own accounts (so a total of four characters—two from each account, in both servers). However, you should be careful as only one of the character from only one of your account is allowed to be in the Top 25 Ladder at the end of the season. 


It is also important to note that if more than one of your characters, whether in the same server or both servers, manages to rank in the Top 25 Ladder at the end of the season, you will face consequences as stipulated by our rules. To prevent such consequences, in the event that you have multiple characters ranked in the Top 25 Ladder around the end of the season, please try to contact one of our Moderators by creating a topic in the Report Center and explain your situation. Our moderators will assist you in removing your ratings so that your characters will not be listed on the ladder.


I hope that this clarifies your doubts or misunderstandings regarding our PvP rules. Let me know if you have any more questions regarding this. 

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Okay i understand, Thnx Much!


Have Nice Day!






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