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Hi, I am not a staff or a mod, but still I can help you for your problem.

For the 150k Pokedollars, staff will be looking for it because I don't have permission for that to look into the money/trades.

For the Pawniard, if you remember that Pawniard is the same in stats, which you traded weeks ago (according to you) , then the trade might have cancelled somehow and because of this the Pawniard is still in your Pc. If that's not the same one, then you might have got it from the boss battles like The Pumpkin King, etc.

Hope this might help you a little. 
Have a nice day ~ 


On how much u sold maybe u sold it on 150k and the trade got canceled and u got ur pawni and the other player may received ur 150k 


It's just my opinions 

I guess this would have happened 

Hope so any trade moderator will reply to u soon

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@Kabarex82 I apologize for the incovenice I thought I sent you a notification saying what had happen. You had originally traded your Pawniard for a Scyther to a player then sold that Scyther for 150k. However, that Scyther was illegally obtained. So, I reversed all those trades which is why you see you have your original Pawniard back in your PC and the deduction of 150k. 

I do apologize again on failing to notify you of the incident. 

Best Regards,





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