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I'm no veteran player nor game developer to think that my opinion is important, but I feel like im no different from regular "complain Andy🥹" if I stay silent.
Althought this update is fresh and its too early to make solid judgement, it think im confident on one point im going to make.
Tower update doesn't impove exp acquisition and in multiple ways it make it worse.

What I acknowledge as improvement:

- You can use other mons only to level low lvl pokemons

- Gaiming last few levels now cheaper

- Probably more goodness, day 1 madness makes this less noticable.

What I think is worse and why:
- You need to pay fee for leveling
>Game has just enogh currency sinks already, traveling / entry fees are already drains your gold a lot. For members it is kind of bad for gold bonus, as before you could get decent pocket money while leveling pokes, which justified time spent doing it. This is especially important considering that PRO players have culture to bargain for lowest possible price for anything, and sadly for services as well.
- For leveling you need to go to the very specific location within each region.

>Before, we had multiple options for leveling and with this update it feels like we have just a handful now.

- You nerf other reasonable leveling options game had..

>Before we could level pokes on locations that had good syncable pokes. For example if I would want to get good Chansey I could have taken my false sweeper + sync to the ceru cave and still level my desired pokemon while still have chance to encounter Chansey. Multi tasking makes experience less of a chore.

- Leveling in the tower feels like a chore

> you dont get money while leveling + loose money by not doing "member things" = frustrating.
> Its repetitive and it doesn't make leveling much better honestly.

> traveling to just leveling location is annoying.

> leveling is propably going to be more expensive now, so it would make players who didn't want to level pokes themselves go there and do things they didn't like- potentially losing players.
- The way location is designed

> I found description of everying VERY confusing. I think not everything is explained by npc's- i could not figure what pokemons I need to take along, and had to figure out everything little by little by myself. Also this animation in the beginning is really annoying, it buggy and I don't understand why I have to waste my time looking at my character moving there insted of just teleporting to the floor with trainers. Also bicycle is not allowed- just annoying.


The suggestion itself:
Why not make more player friendly changes to the systems that are chore-like? Surely you guys understand that by making product less user friendly you are probably loosing both current and potential staying players. Players who like mega grindy experice still can do pokemon hunting and all the daily-weekly stuff for their liking, hovewer they would be isolated in this as this is their choice, when other players can do their own thing at their chosen pace.
Exp grind- make it VERY fast and cheap through end game method. I mean leveling level 10 poke to 100 in 5-10 min. It would remove this chore grind and let players actually enjoy PVE, PVP, pokemon hunting and social stuff!

EV grind - make it VERY fast and cheap through end game method. I mean full EVs in 5-10 minutes. For same reason.



I've seen so many games fail due to same issues seen in this game, and I just thought that I would explain what I see, to at least try to make game a better experience for everyone. Thanks for your time! And sorry for bad grammar.

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+1 it shouldve been made easier not harder to level

it disappoints me, after all these years they are still spending their time infinitely reworking and patching down stuff that worked just fine. last real update was in 2017....

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Overall I personally think that the formula is an improvement from the old one which was confusing and unnecessary for the most part. Some touch-ups might be needed especially for the end-game in my opinion but that's something doable. Anyways, just wanted to share my opinion some points mentioned here : 


4 hours ago, Showerphobic said:

- You need to pay fee for leveling


Personally I think the prices are too high right now but having a very fast or faster exp spot that needs money is a decent money sink option. 


4 hours ago, Showerphobic said:

For leveling you need to go to the very specific location within each region.


That's already the case. Your options for end-game before were Cerulean or Pinkan Island (Or Dragon den perhaps), both which are specific spots in one specific region.


Most of the towers are close enough to a PC for it to not be too annoying. I do agree that the towers make Cerulean cave obsolete for end-game which shouldn't really be considering the steep requirements for unlocking it


4 hours ago, Showerphobic said:

The way location is designed


Most of explained through the NPC on the left, unsure what was confusing from that part. 


4 hours ago, Showerphobic said:

Exp grind- make it VERY fast and cheap through end game method. I mean leveling level 10 poke to 100 in 5-10 min. It would remove this chore grind and let players actually enjoy PVE, PVP, pokemon hunting and social stuff!

EV grind - make it VERY fast and cheap through end game method. I mean full EVs in 5-10 minutes. For same reason.


Can't disagree more than this, especially for the level part. 5-10 mins to level 100 would kill the level up service and removes a grind part from an MMO. Grinding is part of MMO's, whether you like it or not. Leveling was never a chore overall.


EV's are even easier to do now with EXP and it's quite fast with the safari so I don't agree with it either 


42 minutes ago, Crucifixuz said:

+1 it shouldve been made easier not harder to level

it disappoints me, after all these years they are still spending their time infinitely reworking and patching down stuff that worked just fine. last real update was in 2017....


Move updates, dungeons, events, etc are still updates. Just because something doesn't interest you or you dislike it doesn't make it a "false" update. Updates aren't just regions or buffs. 


Needless to say I still agree with the overall thinking of the post. The best changes in my opinion should be to the towers regarding a price reduction (it gets expensive fast) or better exp yields, and buffs to cerulean, pinkan, etc exp wise. This is just from trying it a couple of times so my opinion might change over the week 

Edited by Ichibann
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1 hour ago, Ichibann said:

Move updates, dungeons, events, etc are still updates. Just because something doesn't interest you or you dislike it doesn't make it a "false" update. Updates aren't just regions or buffs. 



to be fair XD001 was good little update but the events are also old i wish they would at least add one of the og legendaries to each reoccuring events for the ppl who alrdy finished all quests... like xd001 it was a great idea why not more like this, instead theyre always reworking functions that work well or at least 90 % well thats why i think this posts title fits well ( the lastest EXP rework is just one of them, digspots, bosses, spawns, repeltricks, dailytasks, boss limit, rarity tiers, boss banns, pvp banns, untradeable reroll rework etc just to name a few)  how much time was invested and wasted in this and how many players did our great game lost to those completely senseless endless reworks... is mewtwo catch not important to anyone anymore? or u want to tell me a pokémon game rather needs a skovet or kelbeo years before groudon ho-oh etc ? why do they infinitely handicap us in kanto instead of finally moving on to astrella and unova or a decent pvp rework that either allows everything or gives us more opportunities to battle other trainers and make use of our hunts than just 1 OU queue

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