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memento attack bug, batton pass


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Hi, I'd like to report a bug that I think you should be aware of by now.

what's happening?

Well, when I'm in combat and I use the memento move, the pokemon that used it is supposed to be defeated, but. No, after choosing my next pokemon the game automatically brings out the same pokemon again.

On the other hand, when I use agility and sword dance and then use the Batton pass move to the pokemon chosen by me, the game automatically chooses the pokemon I used memento, which shouldn't happen because that pokemon must be defeated and what happens? Well the whole process is lost in a nutshell, I have to start the tactic from scratch to defeat the boss. After doing the tactic again, the Batton pass works again as it should and the game does not choose any pokemon for me and it is something that appears to me after the game update that occurred a few hours ago





Hola, me gustaría reportar un error que creo que ya deberías conocer.

¿lo que está sucediendo?

Bueno, cuando estoy en combate y uso el movimiento memento, se supone que el pokemon que lo usó es derrotado, pero. No, luego de escoger mi siguiente pokemon el juego vuelve a sacar automáticamente al mismo Pokémon.

Por otro lado, cuando uso agilidad y baile de espada y luego uso el movimiento de Batton pass al pokemon elegido por mí, el juego elige automáticamente el pokemon que uso memento, lo que no debería suceder porque ese pokemon debe ser derrotado y qué sucede? Bueno, todo el proceso se pierde en pocas palabras, tengo que comenzar la táctica desde cero para derrotar al jefe. Despues de hacer la tactica nuevamente el Batton pass vuelve a funcionar como debe y el juego no me elige ningun pokemon y es algo que me aparece despues de la actualizacion del juego que se dio hace unas horas

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As mentioned above, the Tester team is currently investigating the bug and the Devs are aware of it. Regardless, we are thankful for the bug report. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon. While it is being investigated, we do not recommend doing bosses if your ability to defeat them is affected by the bug. 

If you have any additional information, do not hesitate to provide it. 


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