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So last night i battled arnie and he gave me as reward leftovers...when i checked my bag fkr leftovers i had x4 leftovers...the duplicate bug is around?? If so can someone check it so i dont get banned ._.? Thank you




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146504 So last night i battled arnie and he gave me as reward leftovers...when i checked my bag fkr leftovers i had x4 leftovers...the duplicate bug is around?? If so can someone check it so i dont get banned ._.? Thank you

This is most likely intended; or at least I assume. Also don't worry about getting banned for discovering a bug in the future, bugs happen and the best thing is to report them. (Or keep it quite and abuse them. (Just kidding, that would get you banned)) :Grin:


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My boss gives up to 4 leftovers. So not a bug, you just got lucky, thats all


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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