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Question about account sharing


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Hello everything is fine?

Me and my guild officers have the idea of sharing an account to create the shop on the forum, so we would have 1 shop for the whole guild, and this account would be shared between me (leader) and the 4 officers.
I currently have 2 accounts and I would create a third one to just create the shop on the forum and share it with the officers. I know that in my case, because I only have 2 accounts, there is no problem in creating a third account. But, I would like to know if in the case of my officers who already have 4 accounts of their own if they can just log into my account to help manage the forum shop?


Thanks in advance for the help.

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Hello @Max0213. My apologies for the late response.


In short, yes this is allowed, since creating it would not place you over the account limit. Your officers can access the account to manage the shop, even if they have 4 accounts already. However, they cannot get on the account to generate money on it(any repeatable content), as this would mean they are using more than 4 accounts to gain profit.


Let me know if you have further questions.

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3 hours ago, Epithet said:

Olá@Max0213. Minhas desculpas pela resposta tardia.


Resumindo, sim, isso é permitido, pois criá-lo não ultrapassaria o limite da conta. Seus funcionários podem acessar a conta para gerenciar a loja, mesmo que já tenham 4 contas. No entanto, eles não podem entrar na conta para gerar dinheiro (qualquer conteúdo repetível), pois isso significaria que estão usando mais de 4 contas para obter lucro.


Diga-me se tiver mais perguntas.

Thank you for help me! 

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