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Holydoof (Silver Server) - Recruitments are curently Closed for now!

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Hi! I am Ma$kara...i make music, i Love pokemon and League of Legends. I Hope that i can be part of your comunity. Thank you!

●What's your IGN?
● How old are you?

● Where are you from?

● What's your total playtime?

● What do you enjoy doing in the game?

Hunting 31/31 Pokes
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? 
Yes, not sure yet what type of service but i will definitely do it.

Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Raidoof or Endoof ?
Raidoof =)))



What's your IGN? SeaAirUgh (Ciara)
● How old are you? 32... yes, I'm old, crusty, and dusty

● Where are you from? Murica (EST)
● What's your total playtime? 818 hours
● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Form hunting, learning to be more informative, and trying to get the ropes of PvP although its not my biggest interest but I mostly do Randoms (eventually do ranked)
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service)
(if not, it's totally alright!) Aid in grinding dungeons although ive never done them; shadow mons are cool. I offer off-game service of updating the wiki 🙂 so if you see something that needs updated that is confirmed to be accurate, I'm all for it. Also a place to hang in stream; eventually want to get back into streaming this game (18+ stream; we naughty lol)

And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Raidoof or Endoof ? Endoof cause its the doofiest. BRING BACK DOOFS SO I CAN HAVE ONE AND BE LEGIT DAMMIT!!!



Edited by Seaairugh

● What's your IGN?

● How old are you?

Im 30

● Where are you from?

Im from Viet Nam
● What's your total playtime?

I play over 1400h for now
● What do you enjoy doing in the game?

I like to do pvp for pvp chest, lavender dungeon for reroll 
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild?

I can help anything if i can
And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Raidoof or Endoof ?

Its suidoof ofc



sadly its not lord bidoof

  • Pinklax changed the title to Holydoof (Silver Server) - Recruitments are Open!

What's your IGN?
Discord IGN :
● How old are you?

● Where are you from?

● What's your total playtime?

● What do you enjoy doing in the game?
Hunting and Playing PvP

● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild?
I can help with just about anything besides Daycare services
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?



● What's your IGN?

● How old are you?

Im 25

● Where are you from?

Im from Viet Nam
● What's your total playtime?

I play over 2500h for now
● What do you enjoy doing in the game?

Pvp and play dungeon with friend
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild?

About Dungeon
And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Raidoof or Endoof ?

Its Raidoof

Edited by Mvtson


●What's your IGN?
● How old are you?

● Where are you from?

● What's your total playtime?

● What do you enjoy doing in the game?

Collect all pokemon
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? 

i can do everything, if i can

Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Raidoof or Endoof ?


● What's your IGN?

● How old are you?

im 20 yay

● Where are you from?

● What's your total playtime?

nearly 500
● What do you enjoy doing in the game?

hunting cute pokemons and go lavender dungeon for rerolls
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild?

i'll do whatever I can to help u guys
And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Raidoof or Endoof ?

this guy



Hình ảnh

● What's your IGN?

● How old are you?


● Where are you from?

Seattle, WA, USA
● What's your total playtime?

4297hr, 33min
● What do you enjoy doing in the game?

Story, Hunting Forms, Helping new players
● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service)
(if not, it's totally alright!)


And the most important question of them all:
Which Bidoof Form do you like the most?
-Suidoof, Raidoof or Endoof ?

Suidoof - just look at that luxurious hair!



  • Like 2

Hello pinklax and fellow holydoofs<3

What's your IGN? Aacorn

● How old are you?


● Where are you from? Canada

● What's your total playtime?1753hr

● What do you enjoy doing in the game?

I enjoy hunting and talking to all the friendly people.

● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? I can offer day care service and I got 3 full boss teams ready to go and do electabuzz and scyther give aways for pinkian I am gathering and training pvp mons to do more pvp and want to learn dungeons to help out the guild with all I got!

If you decide to go with me you can pm me here on game

Or discord aacorn2400 

Thank your for your time


my favorite is raidoof ❤️

love those mounts too


Edited by Aacorn
Added my peaked interest in pvp and dungeons
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