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148344 dude, we battle all of the time and i've beaten you once using my team and it is for the most part the same team i used to take on johto e4. just use your normal pvp team and you will do fine, just dont forget about buying tons of revives and potions.


wow just realized that i thought i was talking to my friend, but he was the person who replied last before me. this is awkward now and i am sorry for the confusion.

148313 i think u need lvl 90 genggar and lvl 90 gyarados, also lvl90 snubbul will be very helpful

with there of these and other lvl 80+ u can pass e4 easily


That's a little overboard. I didn't have a single pokemon over level 70

Gengar and Gyarados will be enough to beat the E4, but like others said, fill your party with other Pokemon to use as sacrifices, it really helps. Get a few revives, stock on Lum Berries (I recommend making both of your sweepers hold them, I got freeze hax on the first turn in the E4 but Lum Berry saved my butt) and I recommend buying Hyper Potions instead of Max Potions, as they will usually be enough to heal and cost much less. Though, it's good to stock up on about 2 or so Full Restores, just in case of a bad situation. It would be also helpful if you EV trained them before taking on the E4.


I was expecting E4 to be super hard and went only half-prepared, but beat it without much struggle with (both EV trained) a level 87 Gengar and lv 97 tank Wartortle (+Scyther to take one Pokemon down at the champion, but Gengar could've done it too, I just wanted style points :Grin: )


Also, good moveset for Gengar is also Thunderbolt/Psychic/Shadow Ball/Confuse Ray. Yes, the last one is very useful in certain situations, and it helped me in the league.

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