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How do i see what my email was?


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I had an account i used to play in 3-4 years ago and i know the name is "Elderdragon" because of a dumb video i posted about electrocuting a diglet. Even tho i know the account name i cant log in because i used a completely different email which i dont remember now on that account. I cant log in because game needs verification saying i am on different device(i changed phones twice since). Is there any way i get to log in to my old account again?


(I cant login to my account because highschooler me somehow used a different password...) ı can prove the account is mine by showing the video i took about electrocuting a diglet thats on my yt account)

Edited by Aerorunaan
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Log in to dashboard and find "my account" in "user Settings".  You can see what email address is used by the game account



and If you can no longer use your old email address.  need to change to a new email address, you can post at this link to get help from staff



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