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Welcome to Thiccthunder's Shop!

This is the shop for Thicc pokemon. Enjoy shopping!


Auctions can/will be held for certain Pokemon so be ready 😄 


I am still new to the game so once I get cosmetic items I will sell in shop as well! 😛 


I am always open to negotiations.


Discord is the fastest and easiest way to contact me for buying or price negotiations.



In - Game Status: Offline

Comment below 😄


Forms of payment:


cc.png.a5bdf4c25a1f6c9a993ac68c1a1a2b5f.png.9740578f9f51cce5b4e6a2adac60c2a2.png Coin capsules (380k)

entei4.png.7dd21c347a231dbd9037048f82155e2e.png.fda67e57900d9da0c7fcd36b07f8bc17.png IV Rerolls (500k)

test.png.6d53312fc79353a0db54132887615a51.png  Nature Rerolls (200k)



1. Be respectful.

2. No reservations.

3. No fake offers.

4. Keep in mind that this shop only for SILVER server.

5. Use format "pokemon#number" for buying. (e.g. Eevee#1)

6.  HAPPY SHOPPING! :SquirtleSquad:


10k - 90k



 We can talk about pricing in comment or in-game when I am online so it is easier c;


image.png.f3db1101eeb8a78cf07779955f9f227b.png  30k


image.png.a751517cfe83aeda60a4614303376c20.png  30k


image.png.4b553c389c24466afa17fce1fc3a92af.png 30k


image.png.ba247c06d625b157e0377ccf488d2688.png  40k


image.png.00f500c7395472a8c8779e11640fa73b.png  30k


image.png.a2d19fb4ed11a924cc59b8a3010d41d8.png  30k


image.png.3abb5c174044b2ff6d8086d87869bc36.png 30k


image.png.26b3e36586b12e5eb9944c51618ad804.png 40k


image.png.a95d3f2b157c23cc69e5829354c8a003.png 30k


image.png.c158df29ade0705e9e27a6dcff552504.png 30k


image.png.4d3794ebc0a705a049795b56d909fe5e.png 50k


image.png.b3832663ea8cbc4c254b78cc7b396e5c.png 50k


image.png.6bd605c8a0663735988da72cdefc3231.png 50k


image.png.77abc031d5ede33e5a030ced0ea5f2e7.png 30k


image.png.ba29c8e32681e96cb2575cb426655550.png 50k


image.png.2fefb8d34df730d9875ba821193811ed.png 60k


 Unfortunate no Skill Link but still solid 😮

image.png.3572644516da175286e1cdab2af64f42.png 50k






100k - 290k


We can talk about pricing in comment or in-game when I am online so it is easier c;


For the meme. It's just so bad any takers? xD


image.png.ee101eb9a470d517b092c43b04991467.png ?


Sad nature, but epic and positive on speed at least 😛

image.png.b1a385d71bfcff7683649190fbcb1f82.png 100k


image.png.20961ac6077148e7a3367e5b65e0c8bb.png 100k


 Just because its +15s IV but can Nego. c;

image.png.3c928e164e12b94708bd848a8097f7df.png 100k



300k - 590k 


We can talk about pricing in comment or in-game when I am online so it is easier c;


600k - 1m +


We can talk about pricing in comment or in-game when I am online so it is easier c;


Auction Poke's start / No start


https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/228561-rash-charmander-31-29-hp-ice-and-timid-ha-charmander-3131-hp-ice/  Charmander#1 S.O. - 100k (no start) 
Charmander#2 S.O. - 1m (no start)


Event Poke Forms




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