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NB: Hoenn


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152099 I don't think either one of you are seeing the point. All I'm seeing is options to make it the players choice but when it came down to a four badge rule needed to trade in Kanto, that rule was not changed to suit the needs of the players and it shouldn't be because to me the four badges to trade has become a PRO tradition that I like and expect in the next region I go to. If Hoenn is not going to have the four badge required to trade rule, I'm sorry to say then you may as well remove that restriction from all current regions and future ones because then what's the point of having it in-game?


Because that way you can't farm starter pokemon because it requires some commitment to the game in order to trade, furthermore, it helps the player familiarize with the game and in game pokemon values before they can get ripped off

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152099 I don't think either one of you are seeing the point. All I'm seeing is options to make it the players choice but when it came down to a four badge rule needed to trade in Kanto, that rule was not changed to suit the needs of the players and it shouldn't be because to me the four badges to trade has become a PRO tradition that I like and expect in the next region I go to. If Hoenn is not going to have the four badge required to trade rule, I'm sorry to say then you may as well remove that restriction from all current regions and future ones because then what's the point of having it in-game?

In my personal think, the reason requirement for trading at Kanto but not in any region are:

1/ Avoiding people spam perfect starter and then trading immediately without any block. Of course, they can still spam if they pass gym 4, but it will need take the time and effort, so it not completely avoid but reduce in that case.

2/ This requirement almost attempt for newbies, who want to rush the story but don't have any basic knowledge to this game (not play pokemon game before). Thus, it will block them to skip the introduction pass, and after gym 4th they have some knowledge (of course not have enough but still enough for basic thing)

3/ As you pass the E4 Kanto, it is nearly not need to you go again (for people who attempt to Pvp rather than Pve), who want to pass the story for access new pokemon.

4/ The far you go in story process, it really doesn't matter. If you want to play like a new game or go pass the story (check the point 3)

5/ Players with Mew can run through hoenn anyway. Mew is in Faraway island (hoenn)

6/ The type of your play, it is your choice... I can see you like hard core players and attempt to Pve, however, we need freedom in play style, why should force them to only 1 kind, especially they was pass Kanto?


I will not say you wrong. In fact, you have the right to say, but look other point they also not wrong too.

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The Kanto restriction is there to stop abuse from alt accounts. For example, you can get unlimited rare candies by trading the one in Viridian with new alts.


I personally don't like starting over, so the no badge requirement for new regions work for me.

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the problem starts when you jump to johto without preparation. no one forces you to play johto immediately after you finish kanto. I suggest prepare everything you might need in johto like pokedollars, tm's(dig, rock smash, headbutt, etc), pokeballs, potions (lemonades or fresh water), revive, berrries and don't forget those held items specially leftovers.

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152099 I don't think either one of you are seeing the point. All I'm seeing is options to make it the players choice but when it came down to a four badge rule needed to trade in Kanto, that rule was not changed to suit the needs of the players and it shouldn't be because to me the four badges to trade has become a PRO tradition that I like and expect in the next region I go to. If Hoenn is not going to have the four badge required to trade rule, I'm sorry to say then you may as well remove that restriction from all current regions and future ones because then what's the point of having it in-game?


I think the purpose of the restriction in the first region is so people dont farm gold by creating new accounts with the free 10k that comes with it.....

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i think the 4 badges requirement is to prevent people to create many id just to find a good starter. So it doesn't matter for the next region and the next. It is just my thought anyway

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