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after the server merge


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I have some questions about the incoming merge :


- will we have new box organizations and better management ?

- how this will affect to the guilds- will we have to start over again and make new one, or they will be saved. How people who were at more that one guild should pick his new guild. How many characters will be allowed to be used at PvP?

- Will be improuved the new guild reward system and make it competative and if yes, how this will happend ?

- will we have option to save our guild logo and use it after the merge ?

- will be sure that after the merge we wont lose our progress and data ?


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On 2/22/2024 at 9:00 PM, Vangogsan said:

I have some questions about the incoming merge :


- will we have new box organizations and better management ?

- how this will affect to the guilds- will we have to start over again and make new one, or they will be saved. How people who were at more that one guild should pick his new guild. How many characters will be allowed to be used at PvP?

- Will be improuved the new guild reward system and make it competative and if yes, how this will happend ?

- will we have option to save our guild logo and use it after the merge ?

- will be sure that after the merge we wont lose our progress and data ?


Hiya @Vangogsan


I deeply apologize for the delay in providing you a response to the thread here.


Below in the quote I'll provide you with all the info that we have about the upcoming servers and accounts merge.

On 2/22/2024 at 7:23 AM, Fusionflair said:

The merger announced for the future in our Official Discord Server(click to join) is to be of two types, a servers merge and an accounts merge.


The server merge is to be really very simple, i.e., it will merge all accounts across all servers(Red, Blue, Silver, Gold) into one.


The accounts merge is a little complicated and is hence raising a lot of questions such as yours. Right now, an account is a player profile with the ability to have one character per server where you log in with your username. You can have upto 4 accounts in total, with a total of 8 characters, taking two servers into account.


With the merge, the accounts and multiple characters that you have will be merged into one singular player profile, where you log in with your email address and you can even create more of those(a cap for the number of characters is not set yet, but it will be more than the ones you can create right now). In short, you are allowed to have one account but with multiple characters under one single email address.


I'll explain to you now how this is to take place:

  1. Merging all accounts associated to you to one single email address.
    1) If your accounts are all associated to one email only, there is no action needed to be a taken.
    2) If they are under different email addresses, they will need to be merged manually.
  2. Characters where currently both associated with one single account have progress on Gold and Silver both. 
    For example, if my Gold account has 4 hours of playtime and Silver - 1k hours, both will qualify for the merge. When it happens, I will be asked to change my names on the characters, since both had the same name in the previous servers, and that one name cannot exist twice in the singular new server.
  3. Characters that are currently not merged, with more than 10 minutes playtime on Red or Blue servers. These will also qualify for the merge. These will be treated the same as the accounts in the second step, where more than one character is merged.
  4. Characters with <10 minutes of playtime AND have not logged in the last 6 months will be deleted.
    For example, if your account, Amaske, has 1k hours in Gold and 5 minutes in Silver, the Gold one will be kept and the Silver character will be deleted.

Advice would be to get ready for it, sooner rather than later.


If you have different accounts associated with different email addresses, please change the email on them to the same one; you can do this from the Dashboard(more info here). We will be seeing to what can be done about players who leave it until the last minute, or even after the merge has taken place, then they'd run into issues with the 2FA. In the near future, a subforum might be created to help with account change requests, but for now there is the 2FA - Email Recovery(more info here) subforum.


If you have any accounts with less than 10 minutes of gameplay and not logged into in the last 6 months, you may log into it and play on it to surpass 10 minutes, if you wish to keep it.


With that being said, I understand there are a large number of concerns given the huge implications of the merge, that may raise multiple questions, that includes the ones you have asked here, but we do not have info on anything more than what I have provided to you in the quote, which is why I am unable to provide an answer to those. Anything further will be addressed in a future announcement.


I still hope that all the info provided in detail, helps. Will be keeping this thread open so you can share if you have any more questions or concerns regarding this.


Wishing you a lovely rest of your day,


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i red what mods share at the begin, but im more to know what will happend and communety state . Like atm guilds are not compatetive and almost dead, reward system is bid unfair cuz people from 4-10 guilds got same rewards and its not ok, as top 3 guilds , my opinion is that there must have any diffrends to ladder means something. Also people who are in more than one guild will be able to be as it is or they must pick only one. I will wait for update when is possible, wish you good night 🙂

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