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Game crashing whole PC

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Hi, i have and issue with game crashing my PC. Sometimes, after few minutes, my game crashes my whole PC and it starts restarting. It didnt happen to me when i was playing this game like 2-3 years ago. It only happens while playing this game. I tried starting it in admin mode, i updated my drivers and i disabled my antivirus. When i started it first it crashed pc in character making, but when i started it in admin mode, im playing it for like 30 mins and after that it crashes. 

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39 minutes ago, Firemnypes said:

Hi, i have and issue with game crashing my PC. Sometimes, after few minutes, my game crashes my whole PC and it starts restarting. It didnt happen to me when i was playing this game like 2-3 years ago. It only happens while playing this game. I tried starting it in admin mode, i updated my drivers and i disabled my antivirus. When i started it first it crashed pc in character making, but when i started it in admin mode, im playing it for like 30 mins and after that it crashes. 

Greetings @Firemnypes


I am really sorry to hear about your situation and the inconveniences caused by it.


Could you please provide us with any detail that can help us understand the issue you are facing better, such as the following:

  • The download link you used to download the client. For reference, the Official Downloads Page;
  • Screenshots of the errors that you are getting with the Error Codes;
  • Screenshot of the client folder showing the files in it, and any other info that you believe can help diagnose the issue?

Hoping to hear from you soon. 


Hope you're having a lovely weekend,



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I downloaded the client from official site, through mediafire. I dont get any errors, my game will just froze, i get black screen and my pc starts restarting. 

These are the folder screenshots:

Snímka obrazovky 2024-03-24 185801.png

Snímka obrazovky 2024-03-24 185818.png

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1 hour ago, Firemnypes said:

I downloaded the client from official site, through mediafire. I dont get any errors, my game will just froze, i get black screen and my pc starts restarting. 

These are the folder screenshots:

Snímka obrazovky 2024-03-24 185801.png

Snímka obrazovky 2024-03-24 185818.png

Hi there again @Firemnypes


Could you please provide me with the hardware specifications on your PC? We can very definitively say that the issue is on your device side of things so knowing this we can only provide some pointers on how to get around with it, since the possibilities on the root cause of this is really vast.

Looking forward to your reply.


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16 hours ago, Firemnypes said:

I have windows 10 pro, AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor 3.59 GHz, 16gb ram, 64bit

Hi there @Firemnypes


With the information given, we can conclude that the issue is totally on your side of things, as there was no GPU mentioned, and the Processor you mention is not one with Integrated Graphics. 

Regardless, we are suggesting you a workaround but there's no guarantee that this will totally work as the issue might just end up being totally different. Demonstrated in the following video.

Here we showed you how to change the API system to render the graphics on the game from DirectX 11 to OpenGL, using the -force-glcore argument in Target clause of the shortcut of the Client executable.

This is not the only argument you can try which may work, I'll be listing you some in the below quote, some others which changes to other API or even Downgrade the current API DX11's rendering. 

  • -force-vulkan ; Forces the application to use Vulkan for rendering.
  • -force-driver-type-warp ; This allows dx11 software emulation without dx11 compatible hardware. 
  • -force-feature-level-10-0 ; This restricts the dx11 feature set to an older smaller subset.

The source of the supported arguments is from the Unity manual, which is the game engine that PRO runs on. 


I hope it all turns out just fine. Please let me know if there are any further concerns or developments from the issue at hand.


Have a great rest of your day and an amazing week ahread,



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Hi, thank you for the information. Ive tried it right now and the only thing that worked was the feature level 10 0, other didnt even start the game, driver type warp made my processor go on 100% and everything was laggy. After few minutes on feature level 10 0 my pc crashed again…

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2 hours ago, Firemnypes said:

Hi, thank you for the information. Ive tried it right now and the only thing that worked was the feature level 10 0, other didnt even start the game, driver type warp made my processor go on 100% and everything was laggy. After few minutes on feature level 10 0 my pc crashed again…

Hiya @Firemnypes


As none of the workarounds didn't quite seem to fix the issue, it is certainly, and now totally one of the following that's causing it:

  • Broken Windows Install,
  • Broken/outdated drivers,
  • Broken hardware, etc.

That is certainly not our territory to help with. I do hope that you're able to figure out what the issue is and are able to play the game once again. 

This might have not been the outcome you have been expecting but I do hope that you understand our situation as well.


I will, however, be keeping this thread open to further replies, for you to communicate if there are any further developments.


Kind regards,



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