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All chat language prompt


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I am not well-versed in IT or Comm, so much of my terminology may be off, which I apologize for up-front.  This may have already been suggested, but I am typing this up by suggestion of user @Kubrick.

That being said, I'm not 100% sure on the dev-time or complications to complete this, but I don't think that it would be too difficult.


Currently upon logging into the game, you receive a message, "Welcome to Pokémon Revolution Online! (x Server)".

What I propose, is a server-side prompted message, which is generated by reading the log-in IP of a player.  This will read the location of a player, and change the log-in message to "Welcome to Pokémon Revolution Online! (x server). Please use "Other" chat if not using the English language!" This of course, would be translated to their language determined by location.

Why? Many times players proceed to log-in and start typing in non-English tongue in "All" chat. This of course is a genuine mistake by most, even if they have been warned about it prior.  But for some, it isn't known that "Other" chat is the only accepted chat for anything but English-tongue.

So? The response to this is always along the lines of "Use 'Other' chat for other languages".  If English is not your primary language, you may not understand what you are being told to do, and even if you do know some of the English language, the terminology of "other" and "other" can surely be confusing.


In closing, this is merely a suggestion to keep things running smoothly for mods and players alike.  I would assume that it may be frustrating for users to not understand what they are being told to do, but also potentially have a bad experience in trying to connect with people that they can speak with naturally.  I would think that (but don't exactly know) that it wouldn't require too much dev-time to ascertain a system that would keep this scenario from happening.  At the end of the day, this game is incredible, and every user regardless of native-tongue should have a seamless, comfortable experience; this is why I believe this suggestion may be of importance.  Thank you for your time, and keep up the fantastic work!



Edited by Beers
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Translating the entire game into another language is unfeasible, but translating just one message at the start of the game should be doable.

That being said, detecting player's location might be difficult. Probably just make one big message box that shows the "Please use "Other" chat if not speaking English" message in multiple languages.

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