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Upgrade or Porygon 2

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I need to get the Upgrade hold item to get Porygon 2 so I can complete the Johto Dex and do Celebi quest. Where can I get Upgrade? Or is it possible to trade Porygon 2 just to complete dex then trade back? 

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Hi. Thank you for contacting us about your issue.

The item UpGrade is obtainable by Porygons you get by converting Silver Discs, they sometimes have a chance to hold one when you get one. Also, the boss Terminator can sometimes award one when you defeat him. Alternatively, you can potentially get one from the Celadon City Daily quest. 

To answer your second question, yes, you can ask for what is commonly called "Pokédex (dex) service" for any tradeable Pokémon, someone trades you in lend trade Porygon2 or your preferred Pokémon so you get it's data, then it goes back to the Trainer.

We hope the information provided will be useful. Please feel free to ask any more questions in the future and good luck in your adventures!

- Kubrick

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