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Pokemon Catch Counter

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The Idea: To have a counter that is shown in the users pokedex for each pokemon. This counter would increment on both catch and evolution and could be displayed on the pokedex entry (possibly in the black box shown in the screenshot). 


Difficulty and Estimated Time Invested: This suggestion I would imagine would be very easy to implement. In the current game I imagine the logic flow follows something along the lines of an on_action() that is triggered on catch or evolution. Once the action is triggered it checks the pokemon's data against the user's pokedex data and then either updates the pokedex or exits this particular logic block. This would be where (I believe) the counter could be implemented and that value stored off with the users pokedex data.


With that being said I think difficulty is very low and the time invested is also low.


Benefits: I believe this could have various in-game benefits from community bragging amongst each other to potentially expanding content. The community bragging I do not believe needs to be elaborated on as it is more or less a 'who has the most' as well as a way to really see how much of a pokemon you have grinded. As far as content goes, I believe this could open up content paths with the "Pokemon Fanatic" NPC. Coming at it from a quest perspective, the Pokemon Fanatic could request a certain number of a particular pokemon caught to begin some story line. Could instead be something corresponding with end-game where we are working with the Professors of the different regions to 'research' different pokemon (through catching). This could be a weekly event or monthly event (given the rarity of the rewards, number of mons caught, etc).


Drawbacks: I believe the only drawback to this would be that it gives the most analytical players a bit more information to use when it comes to hypothesizing spawn rates. Which could have some influence on the market (either good or bad). That influence would be based on the trust of the numbers from a player though, of which could be just the luck or unlucky in their individual statistics.


If further expansion on this topic is required reach out on forums or I can communicate through Discord.




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And I think game should have dex or mega Pokemon as while you are in PvP you don't have data of mega Pokemon which is quite bit an disadvantage in PvP especially in PvP random as some alolan Pokemon have no encounters so no stats can be seen in them atleast make PvP dex in which we can see Pokemon stats

It's something like gambling your luck in spd or def stats 

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