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Request for Account Review Due to Rapidly Increasing Playtime

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Hi Respected Mod,


I hope this message finds you well.


I am writing to request a review of my account as I have noticed an unusual and rapid increase in my playtime. This surge in activity does not align with my actual usage and I am concerned that there might be an issue affecting my account as I have not used any third party apps to increase my game time or anything.


I have attached the screenshot of inspect command I did in discord of 2 days ago (1501hrs) and today (2175hrs) Even as of now while I'm typing my gametime increased to 2536 hours. I'm closing my game as of now and hoping for a quick response.


Thank you for your assistance.


Best regards,

PranilSht (ING)



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Respected mod, 

I logged in my other id and noticed unusual playtime increase in that id as well. I am lost of my actions niw. Is the problem in my pc or anything? Can you please help me quick as I don't want to lose any events in the game. 

All of my accounts are:





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Hello there! I apologize for the confusion with the in-game hours. As already mentioned, this was a bug that should already be fixed by now. Your incorrect hours will be removed during the upcoming server maintenance. I hope this information was helpful to you. If you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out!


- Codexed

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You're very welcome! I'll go ahead and lock this thread but, again, if you have any more questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to create a new thread! Best of luck ❤️


- Codexed

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