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Swirlix form glitched?


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Hey yall, I'm not 100% sure but I have a likely hunch that swirlix form might be glitched. For some evidence, no one that I have talked to has seen the form whatsoever in global announcements. Second, me and some people have been repelling and collectively we've encountered about 1.2k total and none of us have gotten the form. It would be awesome if this could be looked into and if I could get a response because I don't wanna waste more time and money hunting swirlix if the form truly is glitched.





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there already few event swirlix have been caught, so its not glicth. if you talking about doing lot of repelling and encountered even myself spent like more than 10k repel with 1k+ encountered for bagon and still no form. at the end of the day its just pure luck and rng


Tora's event Shop

PRO ign : torarudean

Discord: torarudean


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Hello there! I can assure you that the Swirlix form is not glitched. As @Torarudean mentioned, even if you are repel tricking, the chance to encounter a specific form is purely RNG. Unfortunately, the rates to catch an event form are not released. Additionally, please note that repel tricking does not necessarily increase the chances of finding a Swirlix form, it more-so just skips any other encounters in that area. 

I understand that it can be frustrating to spend so much time and not find what you are looking for but taking breaks here and there and doing/watching something else in the background can really help the time fly by! 


I hope this information was helpful to you. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out! Best of luck in your hunts!


- Codexed

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