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PvP Team - Dragon type(s)


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Thank you all, you have been a great help :Grin: !


I have considered Axew, but when I tried buying it in Trade I would get replied with does not exist. I have checked out that linked thread on how to acquire the Pokemon, but could not find Axew. What gives :Shocked: ?

(24) Badges / (12) OT Shiny / (0) Life

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It was catchable at dragon den during a time, but got removed for hoenn, so i think you can still buy it (or buy haxorus) from a guy who keep it / don't want it anymore, so it will be rare... and all rare things are expensive :x


Edit : And if you pvp for fun, your team is nice and continue to play it if thats how you want to play, but if you want to win ... well it will be very very hard ^^'

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157468 It was catchable at dragon den during a time, but got removed for hoenn, so i think you can still buy it (or buy haxorus) from a guy who keep it / don't want it anymore, so it will be rare... and all rare things are expensive :x


Edit : And if you pvp for fun, your team is nice and continue to play it if thats how you want to play, but if you want to win ... well it will be very very hard ^^'


Excellent - Thank you, very much! Also appreciating the honesty there. Bahaha! I am just here to have fun, though.



Aside from Axew and the five listed in the OP, is there anything else I could acquire? A team of 6 dragon types is overall ideal.

(24) Badges / (12) OT Shiny / (0) Life

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