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Whats wrong with the game managment?


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So being that this is my first day ever playing, and there was a crash, I hit the forums to see how often this happens... I find it amusing that with multiple staffers in a live chat no one would answer me on how often servers crash. I'm equally appalled that you actually have rules set up that allows you to punish, or ban, anyone who asks about the horrid states of the servers, why they are down, or when the will be live again, yet provide a paid transaction shop. Are the staff in the game to embarrassed by the inability to maintain server status that they truly need to silence it's on player base in order to make themselves feel better?


I played for 1 hour, bought a membership because hey I'll donate $5 I respect the developers efforts and wish for them to continue, but cant even get an answer to how often the servers crash? You'll chat ban me for asking? That's sad, and a huge turn off to keeping me (a paying/donating adult) around. I don't even mind that the severs crashed. I'm, in fact, happy to see that the servers are populated enough that they WOULD crash... However, it is incredibly unprofessional for the staff to do anything other than politely answer questions regarding game function, or server status, otherwise they do not need to be staff. That simple.


If you want PRO to function at a higher level than your competitors make it so, don't label your players as trolls and complainers because of your inability to maintain function of your project, it's not only rude, it's insulting to yourselves. You will never be able to cover up your server crashes, ever. You are not a massive corporation like blizzard that can drop a steaming pile of crap on their players and expect large numbers to continue to roll in. You are operating a nitch, a small one at that, and should treat your player base with respect for that reason. Don't hide from your inabilities, own up to it, explain the malfunctions, attempt to fix the over all problem, instead of sweeping it under the rug like it doesn't happen. If your project isn't a priority, say so. Don't get your staff to say "Well they are busy they will reboot when they feel like it, deal with it." It's horrible business practice. Instead find a partner that will always be able to make sure your game is maintained, and operational. Instead of promoting staff that wants to shush you up, and sweep your problems under the rug. You have a possibly very successful future pokemon MMO. Don't sell yourself short because you think you can get away with not caring about your player base.


~ Sincerely

Caring player.

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157584 So being that this is my first day ever playing, and there was a crash, I hit the forums to see how often this happens... I find it amusing that with multiple staffers in a live chat no one would answer me on how often servers crash. I'm equally appalled that you actually have rules set up that allows you to punish, or ban, anyone who asks about the horrid states of the servers, why they are down, or when the will be live again, yet provide a paid transaction shop. Are the staff in the game to embarrassed by the inability to maintain server status that they truly need to silence it's on player base in order to make themselves feel better?


I played for 1 hour, bought a membership because hey I'll donate $5 I respect the developers efforts and wish for them to continue, but cant even get an answer to how often the servers crash? You'll chat ban me for asking? That's sad, and a huge turn off to keeping me (a paying/donating adult) around. I don't even mind that the severs crashed. I'm, in fact, happy to see that the servers are populated enough that they WOULD crash... However, it is incredibly unprofessional for the staff to do anything other than politely answer questions regarding game function, or server status, otherwise they do not need to be staff. That simple.


If you want PRO to function at a higher level than your competitors make it so, don't label your players as trolls and complainers because of your inability to maintain function of your project, it's not only rude, it's insulting to yourselves. You will never be able to cover up your server crashes, ever. You are not a massive corporation like blizzard that can drop a steaming pile of [Censored] on their players and expect large numbers to continue to roll in. You are operating a nitch, a small one at that, and should treat your player base with respect for that reason. Don't hide from your inabilities, own up to it, explain the malfunctions, attempt to fix the over all problem, instead of sweeping it under the rug like it doesn't happen. If your project isn't a priority, say so. Don't get your staff to say "Well they are busy they will reboot when they feel like it, deal with it." It's horrible business practice. Instead find a partner that will always be able to make sure your game is maintained, and operational. Instead of promoting staff that wants to shush you up, and sweep your problems under the rug. You have a possibly very successful future pokemon MMO. Don't sell yourself short because you think you can get away with not caring about your player base.


~ Sincerely

Caring player.

I understand your new to the game but you got to realise this game isn't they're job and it isn't exactly their business. All of them are volunteers trying to run the game and the donation is used to continue its running. The problem is only a select few can turn the server back on and if they are say, doing shopping, taking kids to school, doing their actual job they cannot do that. I understand your frustration though. I will let you know that the servers do go down a more than a few times on a daily basis without an eta to when it comes back on. They don't like people asking when the server is coming back on because it annoys them to keep seeing it in chat repeating the same answer over and over to each individual that asks. But please be patient keep checking on the status and enjoy other things whilst you wait.


I hope that answers your questions

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157584 are the staff in the game to embarrassed by the inability to maintain server status that they truly need to silence it's on player base in order to make themselves feel better?

You got no right to question how they think about the way the manage the servers. It is not about feeling better or worse is just how it is.

157584 I played for 1 hour, bought a membership because hey I'll donate $5 I respect the developers efforts and wish for them to continue, but cant even get an answer to how often the servers crash? You'll chat ban me for asking? That's sad, and a huge turn off to keeping me (a paying/donating adult) around. I don't even mind that the severs crashed.

Don't even mention the word paying here, donating is enough if you get what a "donation" is then don't complain about how they manage just because you donated money it has no correlation what so ever.

157584 However, it is incredibly unprofessional for the staff to do anything other than politely answer questions regarding game function, or server status, otherwise they do not need to be staff. That simple.

Because you're knew you probably don't know this but, this game is a HOBBY, to most if not all of the staff, if they're professional or not is there issue to fix/upgrade how they behave you should be thankful that there are people that actually take there time to make something we can have fun with.

157584 If you want PRO to function at a higher level than your competitors make it so, don't label your players as trolls and complainers because of your inability to maintain function of your project

You're going far ahead in what you're saying, I'm sure staff would not mention the word "troll" and "complainers" is not something bad "complainers" are just people that want to state there own opinions, good or bad.

157584 Don't hide from your inabilities, own up to it, explain the malfunctions, attempt to fix the over all problem, instead of sweeping it under the rug like it doesn't happen.

Explained enough times already, you want them to just post a "sorry" every time there is a TECHNICAL issue? Be real.


Oh yeah, thank you for stating your opinion, Have fun playing in PRO :) (If you're staying)

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myself i dont mind crashes..but in time like this when server is down for hours...at least small topic in announcements about whats going on right now would be nice :Ambivalent: . Instead live chat is off and all topics about that are being closed.

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I wonder why staff does not invest hard on this game, no crashes, more scripters, this game will provide WAY more income than your current jobs if snowball'd properly.


Im my opinion you are setting a low goal with 1800 max populate server...Slow trade, Slow pvp queue...


I see many player with ms...on a monthly basis, not to talk about the ones who buy in shop to turn real $$ into poke$$ wich is kinda attractive to go for since the hardcore existing money sink...


Not sure how much u make off server but, my advice: Throw money at it, dont rent servers, own them, no more free volunteer staff, no more Android version being delayed for 12 days (and counting)...you are the only poke MMO availible to android and you are not even hungrily capitalizing it...


Even hire free staff but some things are just not acceptable as a company model, forget "we are a bunch of friends creating a game for fun" this is a money machine, dont fool around.

Visit Atlow's Shop ! >>>>> https://bit.ly/kadabras

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157601 I wonder why staff does not invest hard on this game, no crashes, more scripters, this game will provide WAY more income than your current jobs if snowball'd properly.


Im my opinion you are setting a low goal with 1800 max populate server...Slow trade, Slow pvp queue...


I see many player with ms...on a monthly basis, not to talk about the ones who buy in shop to turn real $$ into poke$$ wich is kinda attractive to go for since the hardcore existing money sink...


Not sure how much u make off server but, my advice: Throw money at it, dont rent servers, own them, no more free volunteer staff, no more Android version being delayed for 12 days (and counting)...you are the only poke MMO availible to android and you are not even hungrily capitalizing it...


Even hire free staff but some things are just not acceptable as a company model, forget "we are a bunch of friends creating a game for fun" this is a money machine, dont fool around.

The main reason, like the other pokemon fan-made games, is that if it becomes something they get a paycheck out of, they have to go through copyright infringement from gamefreak and nintendo and therefore this game would simply disappear along with your donation.

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157601 I wonder why staff does not invest hard on this game, no crashes, more scripters, this game will provide WAY more income than your current jobs if snowball'd properly.


u miss the "nintendo owns the content thing and they will milk everyone trying to make money out of their content". And in a lot of countries u are allowed to run games like PRO legally in case u dont make any money

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If server is actually making money legaly, just increase population and confort it up !


You do not have to run a company in order to buy some gift to your "staff friends" and server maintenance cost alike as symbol of gratitude for their extra time onto this future non companish golden egg chicken.


Let it breath.

Visit Atlow's Shop ! >>>>> https://bit.ly/kadabras

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