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Disrespectful Players D:

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^ I think you'll find very little correlation between age and behavior when it comes to online gaming. Because I have seen more than enough adults act like children and vice versa.

I have to agree I've also seen many adult players act like they're 5 treating players badly and I also have seen many younger players be very helpful and kind. So really it's not the age but more of just how that person is as a whole. Some people are just cruel and some people are very kind no matter the age. You'll always find this kind of behavior in any online game no matter how good the community is sadly. It's best to just report those kind of players since there's nothing you can say or do that would change how they are.

In most cases report is a solution but you will see that the nature of a person is not easily changed. You could confront him but that will also count as taunting for him. You best bet is still to ignore don't let it bother you and move forward. Even as a newbie that started the game you will make friends along the way u can count on.

So true I completely agree with you.

[glow=red]"I will never grow older, At least not in my mind" ~[/glow]


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Unfortunately I have noticed quite a bit of players that have been rude to others lately. Not wanting to help but also not wanting to stay quite. It doesn't matter how silly the question might be, if it is in the Help thread then you need to be respectful and answer it or keep your mouth shut.

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Age does not dictate maturity - I understand this. However, with age does warrant greater responsibility and a great self awareness. Whether a person chooses to reflect this or adapt to it within the real world and our virtual world is a personal decision in it's entirety. I choose to rather believe this concept is an attribute towards the majority of society; therefore offer my opinion that these irrational and hostile comments come from exactly that.. the younger age group of the community - or atleast, it makes me feel better in that perspective, anyways.


Regardless, I enjoy helping out new players as well. I was at one point - still somewhat am even with 16 badges.

(24) Badges / (12) OT Shiny / (0) Life

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