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Changing times based on region, like Earth does


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Hi I have looked at other posts as far I could and I have not seen anything like this it would be an interesting feature to the game but it isn't that important, just something worth thinking about considering we will have 3 regions soon.

My idea is to have different times in different regions like our own world e.g. kanto poke time would be 06:00, johto would be 12:00 and hoenn would be 18:00. This would be a useful feature for someone like myself who wouldn't might traveling to places where night would still be there to catch say, staryu or shellder because night time is quite a short period compared to the rest of the time. Obviously I think it should be added when hoenn is out. But I think this would be an interesting mechanic. What do you guys think?

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158849 Hi I have looked at other posts as far I could and I have not seen anything like this it would be an interesting feature to the game but it isn't that important, just something worth thinking about considering we will have 3 regions soon.

My idea is to have different times in different regions like our own world e.g. kanto poke time would be 06:00, johto would be 12:00 and hoenn would be 18:00. This would be a useful feature for someone like myself who wouldn't might traveling to places where night would still be there to catch say, staryu or shellder because night time is quite a short period compared to the rest of the time. Obviously I think it should be added when hoenn is out. But I think this would be an interesting mechanic. What do you guys think?


Would make some sense but I imagine it being hard to code. Also when you are walking from Kanto to Johto where on Route 27 would it change time zones? I'm interested in the idea just unsure how it would be implemented.


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158873 Yeh and since its a new region npc should speak a diferent language and you need a passport and gotta get vaccined.

Bro that's just being unhelpful, I take your point it doesn't have to be the same as real life, but I am more interested in what you think of the mechanic.

158878 I don't rly support this idea. As far as i know not everyone playing PRO are able to count properly. That would only make things harder for some people xD

Well you don't necessarily have to back track the time based on kanto's clock to find the time in johto, you could have a tab by the poke time that allows you to look at the time in other regions so that if you wanted to find a particular pokemon that does come out at night, it becomes a more viable option.

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This is most definitely not the worst idea ive seen.


Has some good grounds to it.


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158849 Hi I have looked at other posts as far I could and I have not seen anything like this it would be an interesting feature to the game but it isn't that important, just something worth thinking about considering we will have 3 regions soon.

My idea is to have different times in different regions like our own world e.g. kanto poke time would be 06:00, johto would be 12:00 and hoenn would be 18:00. This would be a useful feature for someone like myself who wouldn't might traveling to places where night would still be there to catch say, staryu or shellder because night time is quite a short period compared to the rest of the time. Obviously I think it should be added when hoenn is out. But I think this would be an interesting mechanic. What do you guys think?


Would make some sense but I imagine it being hard to code. Also when you are walking from Kanto to Johto where on Route 27 would it change time zones? I'm interested in the idea just unsure how it would be implemented.

I think in this one it would probably have a time zone based on one of the regions, so if it was decided that it is still in the kanto region for example it is based on that time.

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