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Epic H.A. 25+ Naive Greninja Auction 


Accepted payments:

  • krub_shop_pokedollar.png.214028d179dc9968905b181683c6b1a0.png Pokedollar 
  • krub_shop_coin_capsule.png.365c9dab4400fdb1ccb33fdfbaea5187.png Coin Capsule: krub_shop_pokedollar.png.214028d179dc9968905b181683c6b1a0.png400K
  • krub_shop_reroll_ticket.png.8891aa9edc4cdd66d2dc0b450b587a52.png IV Reroll Ticket: krub_shop_pokedollar.png.214028d179dc9968905b181683c6b1a0.png500K







Important notes:

  • This is a silver server auction. So if you're bidding from gold, please include that with your bid. Also If you're bidding with an alt please include the name of the account you're going to use for trade.
  • If any bid received at final 15 minutes of the auction, the end time will be delayed to 15 minutes from that bid. And delayed 15 minutes from each new bid thereafter. Until the current bid is held for a full 15 minutes.
Edited by Krub
Renamed title
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krub_shop_discord_icon.png.741920797c78fb3098e187b33dcddb61.png Discord: Krubsiu

krub_shop_pokeball.png.21c5e2d1134726780c87a5027ded7527.png IGN: Krub Krub.png.808191f070716a153b904540fcadda45.png or Krubsiu Krubsiu.png.6e189aa6a2455cca2ce28966aa78b6a9.png


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