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Hoopa Dungeon Service
To capture Hoopa, you must successfully complete his dungeon: the Scattered Realm Dungeon. Be aware that competing the dungeon will be enough to capture Hoopa, but to get his HLW form you must first beat the Elder Dragon at Phantasm Island, and to unlock the Unbound form you will have to get 6 Rings of Desire (currency of this dungeon) + Earth Plate + Splash Plate +Flame Plate.


This service will only be to capture Hoopa, not the HLW form of it!
Note: This service will require for me to login in your account, so only take it, if you allow it! I will not use any of your items, nor pokedollars or pokemons. Simply put, all you must do is have the requirements and quests done, so I acess the dungeon, beat it, and im out!

Also, I have got the clearance from our Game Master (Yellow) to do it, AS LONG, I dont get ladder with any of the runs, to ensure it, every run will get 0.00 points.


Accepted Payments:


 IV_Reroll_Ticket.png.8fbc15d46848c63bd829778f3f859c8f.png  IV Reroll Ticket    500k                          
Nature_Reroll_Ticket.png.b2d20642146b1e7ee3eb793cba9073b1.png  Nature Reroll Ticket  250k
 Coin_Capsule.png.12c43f3c17762d6f29c081bc5fde977e.png  Coin Capsule   420k
spacer.png Black Medallion   180k




To access the Scattered Realm Dungeon, you must first gain acess to Arche Valley, for that you must have the entire Gen6 Dex seen (650-715 dex ID's).

You can acess Arche Valley by talking to the Sailor located at Cherrygrove City in Johto.

Once you reach the Valley, you will have to complete a small quest.


I will leave a video here from my good friend @Jadeash explaining how to do it. (please sub to him while you at it 😉)



If you don't want to do it, I will do it for 200k.



To be able to catch Hoopa, you will have to beat the dungeon 1 time. For that I will login in your account and beat the dungeon unlocking the legendary to be caught.


Pricing: 750k



To be able to get the HLW Form of Hoopa you must first have defeated the Elder Dragin at Phantasm Island. Once again I will leave a guide for you guys to be able to do it. 






To unlock the Unbound form of Hoopa, you will have to get 6 Rings Desires, and 1 of each plate: Earth, Flame and Splash. 

When you defeat the dungeon sucessfully, you will always be granted 1 Ring of Desires, so in theory you will have to beat the dungeon 6 times to unlock the form, HOWEVER, I did find some of them in the first rooms, so I had 2 runs where I got 2 in that same run! (although I'm not aware if this is RNG based, or what conditions to get them inside the dungeon).


With that said, if you wish to get the form, I will have to beat the Dungeon 6 times to unlock the Prison Bottle:



NOTE: I will not provide the Plates, just the unlocking of the Prison Bottle!



Route 15 Allotments - Flame Plate

Rock Tunnel Allotments - Earth Plate

Mt. Mortar Allotments - Splash Plate




Hoopa + 1x Ring 750K  
1x Ring of Desire 700K  
2x Ring of Desire 1.3M  
3x Ring of Desire 1.8M  
4x Ring of Desire 2.2M  
5x Ring of Desire 2.5m  






Also as additional requirements:


  • I will need authorization to login in your account
  • While i'm in it, YOU MUST NOT, login at any cost. I will let you know when you can go in
  • You might need some Z-Ring & Z-moves to this quest (although not mandatory, they are valuable to have, since they make it faster and safer to beat the dungeon with success)
  • Gyarados Mega Stone






Z-Moves Service


Z Ring - 300k

Z Crystals - 450k each Crystal


(only from Monotour Tournament, I do not do the specific pokemon Z moves)


Feel free to ask any questions! (except my strategy ofc 😛)

Contact Info:

IGN = Envymeister

Discord = eNvyle100

Time zone = GMT+0



Edited by Envymeister
  • Like 9
  • Checked/Done 1


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