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The Dratini Quest


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This is about my quest to fish my first dratini in Dragon Den.


It's 4:18 A.M. right now. My quest started around 2:00 A.M. I will not rest until I'd finish my quest.


How long did it took you to fish your first Dratini? :Heart-eyes:

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How many clients do you keep open?

I keep 4 open. If I read the rules correctly, you can have up to 4 accounts total with 2 per email. Time is money in this game, since all the bosses need a "hours played" requirement. I just found this out lately, so my 3 alts don't have much hours on them.

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How many clients do you keep open?

I keep 4 open. If I read the rules correctly, you can have up to 4 accounts total with 2 per email. Time is money in this game, since all the bosses need a "hours played" requirement. I just found this out lately, so my 3 alts don't have much hours on them.

How do you manage to control every single client? :Ambivalent:

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How many clients do you keep open?

I keep 4 open. If I read the rules correctly, you can have up to 4 accounts total with 2 per email. Time is money in this game, since all the bosses need a "hours played" requirement. I just found this out lately, so my 3 alts don't have much hours on them.

How do you manage to control every single client? :Ambivalent:


I don't?? lol. I play on one client and leave the other three clients alone, so they can collect time. I move them like every 7 minute to prevent dc.


Guess good thing about having four accounts is you can do celadon quest, dig, berry tower challenge and bosses four times instead of once. Thus, helps me a bit from grinding for money. Since I don't particularly like grinding or farming for god pokemons, but instead enjoying doing quests. Hence this is why I'd gotten my first dratini so late, at 250 hours into the game. :Grin:

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I keep 4 open. If I read the rules correctly, you can have up to 4 accounts total with 2 per email. Time is money in this game, since all the bosses need a "hours played" requirement. I just found this out lately, so my 3 alts don't have much hours on them.

How do you manage to control every single client? :Ambivalent:


I don't?? lol. I play on one client and leave the other three clients alone, so they can collect time. I move them like every 7 minute to prevent dc.


Guess good thing about having four accounts is you can do celadon quest, dig, berry tower challenge and bosses four times instead of once. Thus, helps me a bit from grinding for money. Since I don't particularly like grinding or farming for god pokemons, but instead enjoying doing quests. Hence this is why I'd gotten my first dratini so late, at 250 hours into the game. :Grin:



To be honest. If I were developer I would permanently ban you for having 2+ accounts online at the same time while others need to wait in queue to play on their 'one and only' account.


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How do you manage to control every single client? :Ambivalent:


I don't?? lol. I play on one client and leave the other three clients alone, so they can collect time. I move them like every 7 minute to prevent dc.


Guess good thing about having four accounts is you can do celadon quest, dig, berry tower challenge and bosses four times instead of once. Thus, helps me a bit from grinding for money. Since I don't particularly like grinding or farming for god pokemons, but instead enjoying doing quests. Hence this is why I'd gotten my first dratini so late, at 250 hours into the game. :Grin:



To be honest. If I were developer I would permanently ban you for having 2+ accounts online at the same time while others need to wait in queue to play on their 'one and only' account.


For your information, I am new to this game. I like to study games and maximize my profits from my time in them like everyone else.


If someone tells me it's against the rule to have more than one client open, honestly I wouldn't do so.


Even as the developer, you have to follow the rules you set down yourself. So even "if" you are a developer, you can't ban me. :Crazy:

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