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With the prices going up for Highly used In game consumables such as BMS and Coin capsules I think spawn updates are needed and feel as though the new spawn update does not hit the mark. The following is my thoughts and suggestion.

I am going to use Guild Island as a example to begin with and try to not make this post extremely long.

Guild Island Falls -

Abra- Timid

Alo Pix- Timid

Nidoran- Timid

Slowpoke- Bold/sassy/calm

Pidgey- Timid- Never used

Sneasel- Jolly/Adament

Clef- Bold/calm/modest

Ditto- Relaxed? (have not seen what most use for this mon)

Spots like this, it just feels like some wasted spots like the sneasel is pointless other than covering a common spawn rarity, the pidgey also on the same page. In my opinion spawns like this are just bad you have basically 3 defensive mons with offensive it would be much more appropriate to have purely offensive.

* Guild Island Cave-

Nidoran- timid

Abra- Timid

Shroomish- Jolly/Adament

Clef- Bold/calm/modest

Wooper- Relaxed

Piloswine- Adament/Jolly

Happiny- Bold

Hippo- Impish/Careful

* Same trend here random Jolly/Adament spawns with offensive timid and then a couple defensive mons even one being a random relaxed nature.

So what would a good spawn look like?

1. Bunnelby - Rare MS needed

2. Gible- Rare- Ms Needed

3. Buneary- Uncommon

4. Sneasel- Uncommon

5. Swinub - Common

6. Shroomish -Uncommon - MS needed

7. Marill/Mankey- Common

All Similar natures, most wanting H.A. This spawns makes BMS worth it and Membership

* Pinkan Island-

Pidgey- Timid

Rat- Jolly (no one cares)

Shroom- Jolly/ada

Tangela- relaxed/sassy

Foongus- Calm/Bold

Plusie- Timid

Minun- Timid

Again we are seeing basically 3mons no one uses in the timids, rat no one cares about and then we have 2 tank mons that do not even use the same natures.

It would take to long for me to go over every single map obviously so this is just referencing a couple.

So we want this game to be a slog and for you to keep hunting, Sure I get that but 500k Per CC  BMS 260k(ish) and we are dealing with bad spawns with many random Pokemon that do not feel like a spot is viable to hunt there,  so much RNG already let alone bad spawns where we could be using a sync and then get a shiny tank mon when we are hunting offensive. I understand changing spawns to how I have shown will decrease value of the shiny mons etc but as far as player base activity and morale I personally think this route is better.

Even just make a proper pvp island/area where you pay an entrance fee (not a mysterious ticket either) could be like safari zones (which also have a lot of bad spawn combinations) Like it just feels bad to have to go on the website just to check the most efficient spawn every time you're hunting a rare to see if any of the uncommon/commons use the same natures most of the time you're not even happy with it but its a well no choice really.

The game is seeing some decline in numbers/activity in general small fixes can/would do a lot the game is a very easy past time if spawns were fixed I do not want to go hunt a jolly/adament poke with a random Shuckle in the spawn.

TLDR: Spawns need a huge update, new update missed the mark hoping what I have wrote are fixes that will increase player activity and player morale.


Screenshot (951).png

Screenshot (952).png

Edited by Nlyax
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Also I would like to add regarding BCC, we shouldn't have Adamant/Jolly and Timid Spawns huntable at the same time, it should be splited to either Adamant/Jolly at Morning/Day and Timid at night or reverse. Because at the moment we are often encountering pokemon with the wrong sync, then we try our like and get good IVs Pokemon but with the wrong sync. That way would also add more competitive PvE during the competition.

Lugario's EV Training Service

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