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Hi everyone! I am a newer player and am currently stuck at beating Geovanni in Saffron. I am looking for some suggestions. My team right now is Venusaur 47, Magneton 59, Hypno 52, Murkrow 50, Magcargo 43, and Seadra 40. His nidoking and nidoqueen keep trashing me. Is there someone that I should get rid of in my team to help me? My seadra would really help, but it is only level 40 right now. Is there a good place to train water pokes from 40-60?



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For a place to train you can look into rt 14-15 to get it to 45 so you can get dragon pulse, then seafoams to get it to maybe its mid-late 50s. You can also look into getting a Sandshrew (rt 8) or a Gligar (headbutt trees on rt 12) to deal with giovannis nidos(dig/earthquake). Either would also be pretty useful in dealing with sabrina, blaine, and giovanni(in viridian).

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