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I really feel the sinnoh's underground NPC dialogue should change then, I mean below is the following list of dialogue I got.


South-Western Room.
Elenea : I've seen four kind of Crystal so far. what about you? come tell me if you find any more!  (A good info 20/20)
Trevor : The Sandslash I just caught dosen't seem particularly enthusiastic about digging holes.    (no value in his quote)
Miguel : Back in my day we got 2PvE Coins and were HAPPY with it                                                (no value in his quote)


South-Eastern Room.
Nancy : Ever heard rumors of the secert glade hidden deep within Eterna Forest?                            (Sounds like random quote from base game)
Ivor  : Apparently, the treasure room has better stuff if you solve the puzzle in less tries!                 (Perfectly fine quote 20/20 would Ivor again)
Elias : I miss the old puzzle.                                                                                                                  (no value in his quote)


North-Eastern Room.
Albert : I can't Believe every spot leads to treasure now! I just have to figure out this puzzle…         (He's lying, every spot leads to a crystal NOT a treasure)
Sabrina: My Arcanine loves digging! He finds mostly Fire crystals, but he's so excited every time!   (Sounds like random meaningless npc quote from base game but it's a hint) 
Joel   : My head hurts. I just want to revive my fossils.                                                                        (Sounds like random meaningless npc quote from base game)


South-Western Room.
Silvia : Ever since the boss allowed Pokemon to dig here, I see more and more new faces!               (Sounds like random meaningless npc quote from base game)
Denis  : My Onix only ever seems to dig up Rock crystals his first few tries, but he loves it here so I bring it daily anyways!    (Sounds like random meaningless npc quote from base game but it's a hint)
Todd   : This cave really makes me feel uneasy… There aren't even any Bug-types here. Instead, some old guy released a bunch of Probopass around here for no Reason! One of them seemed unstable...      (That sounds way more like a clue than any other NPC here, but it's not a clue for main treasure room only secret one)


Only two NPC even mention the fact that you can change the crystal type you'll get (Denis and Sabrina), one of them (Todd) tells you something about the probopass that sounds a lot like a hit. None of them tells you that you CAN get softlocked, that's harsh.


If I diden't found your answer about it NOT beeing RNG I could have sworn it was having dug up 4ground, 3rocks, 8fire and 1water while having no rock type in my party but having water, ground and fire types and not modifying the digging pkm or my party order.  From the data I had I coulden't deduce anything even after I softlocked.


Anyway I think paying 3k fee to enter a daily quest you can't understand without a guide or a confirmation of how it works by an admin feels very wrong, at least every other daily has either guarented reward/progression (like digging spots) or has clear explanation (bug/fishing contest). Sinnoh's underground is the only one I can think of that can litterally be rewardless and has no clear explanation of what's going on.


The fact that this daily is in sinnoh (the only island cut off from the other main 3 region) already makes it underwhelming and not worth going for unless you're rich, I think it shoulden't be the case.



TLDR: I think you should either make every npc give a hint of how it works, explain it clearly somewhere, or give a consolation prize to those who got softlocked. Sinnoh's underground was already not a popular daily; don't make it even less appealing. 


I was really hyped about the underground revamp, seeing updates and rework to make unpopular dailies better is what gave me the will to comeback in the game but I feel it's frustrating for all the wrong reasons and I'm really disapointed now.



Edited by Littlekean
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