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As most of you know, NPCs resetting are pretty obnoxious, and don't add any to the difficulty in the game, it just makes people lose time when they need to rush to a place.

So I suggest you implement a Vs. Seeker so that we could choose when to rebattle them and of course, keeping the 1-week cooldown for them, making the item fail if used close to npcs that were defeated before the cooldown ended.

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165269 i sugested the same think recently but i was said it is realy hard to impossible to do this atm because of the way the npc's are coded.. and ofc is annoying to fight the 13 lvl trainers with 5 pokemons on them and sturdy xD!!


Yeah, but at least they should deactivate most npcs and leave just some of them that shows they are willing to rebattle afterwards. And some NPCs that clearly should vanish forever like the rockets in in mt. moon.


I would love anything they could do to take this boring, time-consuming and not-dificult-at-all stuff out

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is really annoying, Vs Seeker should exist, dont come whit excuse like "but they can challengue you again a week later!" No! I dont want that! There is no flying here! I want to go to X place because i want to do something in that place and BAM! a trainer that i defeat before just want to waste my time because they already reset, is ANNOYING, very annoying, the Vs Seeker if made for one objective, challenge a previus trainer if the player want to. And it should exist :Cry:

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That topic has been discussed multiple times. As recently mentioned, it's quite hard and actually loads of work to rescript the entire game/all of the 'hostile' NPCs.

Each character has range of sight, you can easily get around them, there's only a few exceptions. Besides, fighting low level pokes won't take much time anyway.

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167538 is really annoying, Vs Seeker should exist, dont come whit excuse like "but they can challengue you again a week later!" No! I dont want that! There is no flying here! I want to go to X place because i want to do something in that place and BAM! a trainer that i defeat before just want to waste my time because they already reset, is ANNOYING, very annoying, the Vs Seeker if made for one objective, challenge a previus trainer if the player want to. And it should exist :Cry:



One of the other posts said it's apparently hard to do at the moment, I assume something will change with trainers in future since no one seems to like it.

There's just more important things going on currently, you're a bit aggressive about it, when they're more likely concerned with stability and new content


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167538 is really annoying, Vs Seeker should exist, dont come whit excuse like "but they can challengue you again a week later!" No! I dont want that! There is no flying here! I want to go to X place because i want to do something in that place and BAM! a trainer that i defeat before just want to waste my time because they already reset, is ANNOYING, very annoying, the Vs Seeker if made for one objective, challenge a previus trainer if the player want to. And it should exist :Cry:



One of the other posts said it's apparently hard to do at the moment, I assume something will change with trainers in future since no one seems to like it.

There's just more important things going on currently, you're a bit aggressive about it, when they're more likely concerned with stability and new content


Ah ok, I can understand that, changes things may not that easy like that sounds, take time, sometimes a lot of time, ok :Grin:

and, well, maybe sounds agresive, but was more frustation, many things change and restrict in many ways for reasons, like the teleport, and fly, weird, but ok, I like walk around in Kanto and Johto, but Hoenn is not a nice place (surf), many pokemons appears, and well, ok, fly may cause lag, bugs, glicthes and more, but with the trainers ugh, that is too much. I know that there are more important things in work, but a personal advice for the staff members, dont post nothing about the next region, is too late for hoenn already, but for the next region, keep it in secret, when its done, post it. If they need users for the bug testing, well, maybe a pm for the most advanced users could be a good way to get "bug testers" and without pressure. :Light:

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