Zwirrfinst Posted Sunday at 12:11 AM Share Posted Sunday at 12:11 AM (edited) Fake offers will be reported If you buy 3 or more Pokes, you'll get a 10% discount. Other than that, the prices are fix You can't take back your offer PM me on Discord with a picture of the Pokemon you want from this shop Pokedollars CC = 450K Ingame: Zwirrfinst, Zwirrlicht, Nanarikki Discord: Nanarikki Spoiler A Spoiler Abra Spoiler 200k 200k 150k 200k 150k Absol Spoiler 250k 300k 100k 150k 150k 200k 300k Arcanine Hisui Spoiler 200k Aron Spoiler 100k Axew Spoiler 100k Azurill Spoiler 200k 200k 150k B Spoiler Bagon Spoiler 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 200k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 150k 100k 150k 150k 150k 100k 200k 200k 150k 100k 100k 100k 150k 150k 200k 250k 150k 150k 250k Bidoof Spoiler 100k Blacephalon Spoiler 150k 150k 150k 150k 200k Buizel Spoiler 150k Bunnelby Spoiler 200k 250k Bulbasaur Spoiler 100k Buneary Spoiler 500k 250k 100k C Spoiler Charmander Spoiler 100k 200k 150k Chimchar Spoiler 200k 200k Corphish Spoiler 250k Cottonee Spoiler 200k Croagunk Spoiler 100k 100k 150k Cutiefly Spoiler 100k D Spoiler Darumaka Spoiler 100k 200k 150k Deino Spoiler 100k 100k 150k 250k 100k 150k Dratini Spoiler 100k 150k 100k 150k Drilbur Spoiler 200k 150k 150k 150k E Spoiler Eevee Spoiler 600k 150k 200k 150k 150k 200k 500k 250k 250k 250k 350k 300k 500k Electrike Spoiler 150k 200k 150k 300k 350k 150k 150k 150k 150k 100k 200k 300k F Spoiler Feebas Spoiler 150k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k Fennekin Spoiler 100k 100k 150k Ferrothorn Spoiler 150k 100k Froakie Spoiler 100k G Spoiler Gastly Spoiler 100k 150k 100k 100k Gible Spoiler 300k 150k 150k 150k 200k 300k Growlithe Spoiler 200k H Spoiler Haunter Spoiler 200k Hawlucha Spoiler 100k 150k Heracross Spoiler 150k 200k 100k 150k 100k 300k Hippopotas Spoiler 100k 200k 100k 200k 100k 150k 100k 150k 150k 150k Honedge Spoiler 100k 100k 200k 150k 200k 200k 100k 100k 150k I Spoiler Ivysaur Spoiler 150k J Spoiler Jangmo-o Spoiler 150k 100k 300k 250k 500k 350k 100k K Spoiler L Spoiler Larvesta Spoiler 300k 350k 300k 400k 350k 300k 200k 350k 400k 400k 200k 500k Larvitar Spoiler 350k 300k 300k 250k 500k 500k 300k 150k 250k 500k 100k 150k M Spoiler Magikarp Spoiler 100k 200k 100k 250k 200k 200k Magnemite Spoiler 250k 200k 200k 100k Mankey Spoiler 100k 200k Marowak Alolan Spoiler 100k 200k 600k 100k 100k Meditite Spoiler 100k Mimikyu Spoiler 150k 150k 250k 500k Mudkip Spoiler 100k 100k Murkrow Spoiler 100k N Spoiler O Spoiler P Spoiler Pawniard Spoiler 300k Pinsir Spoiler 100k 150k 200k Pupitar Spoiler 300k Q Spoiler R Spoiler Riolu Spoiler 150k 150k 100k 150k 150k 200k 150k 150k 150k 150k 150k 150k 150k Rotom Spoiler 200k 250k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 200k 100k 100k 150k 100k S Spoiler Sableye Spoiler 100k 100k Sandile Spoiler 200k 150k Scraggy Spoiler 100k Scyther Spoiler 100k 200k 150k 100k 200k 150k 200k 150k 300k 150k 150k 200k 200k 250k 150k 150k Shellder Spoiler 100k 100k 150k 150k Shroomish Spoiler 100k 100k 150k 100k 150k 200k 150k 150k 150k 200k 200k 250k 300k Shuckle Spoiler 100k Slowpoke Spoiler 250k Sneasel Spoiler 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k Snivy Spoiler 100k 100k 200k Squirtle Spoiler 200k Starly Spoiler 150k 150k 100k 150k 200k 200k Staryu Spoiler 150k 150k 100k 100k 200k 150k 150k 100k 150k 100k 150k 100k 100k 100k 200k 150k 150k 100k 150k 100k 150k 100k 150k 100k 150k 100k 100k 150k 100k 100k 100k 100k 100k Swablu Spoiler 100k 150k 100k T Spoiler Tangela Spoiler 100k 100k 100k 150k Tangrowth Spoiler 100k 100k Treecko Spoiler 150k Togepi Spoiler 100k 150k 150k 200k 200k Torchic Spoiler 200k 150k 150k 200k Torkoal Spoiler 150k 100k Turtwig Spoiler 150k 200k Tyrunt Spoiler 200k 150k 150k U Spoiler V Spoiler W Spoiler Wartortle Spoiler 200k 150k 150k 150k 150k 150k X Spoiler Y Spoiler Yamask Spoiler 200k 100k Z Spoiler Zorua Spoiler 100k Spoiler A Spoiler Absol Spoiler 200k Ampharos Spoiler 150k B Spoiler Bidoof Spoiler 150k Blastoise Spoiler 150k 250k C Spoiler Chandelure Spoiler 150k Charizard Spoiler 350k D Spoiler Dragonite Spoiler 350k E Spoiler F Spoiler G Spoiler Gengar Spoiler 100k Gliscor Spoiler 100k H Spoiler Heracross Spoiler 250k I Spoiler J Spoiler K Spoiler L Spoiler Lapras Spoiler 150k M Spoiler Metagross Spoiler 100k N Spoiler O Spoiler P Spoiler Q Spoiler R Spoiler S Spoiler Salamence Spoiler 150k 100k Starmie Spoiler 150k Swellow Spoiler 150k 200k T Spoiler Tangrowth Spoiler 200k 200k U Spoiler V Spoiler Volcarona Spoiler 400k 600k W Spoiler Whimsicott Spoiler 150k 200k X Spoiler Y Spoiler Z Spoiler If there are mons below, they are already sold, sorry! Edited 44 minutes ago by Zwirrfinst 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alduiin Posted Sunday at 01:29 AM Share Posted Sunday at 01:29 AM Nice shop, bump us when finished! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zwirrfinst Posted Sunday at 05:43 PM Author Share Posted Sunday at 05:43 PM Added somewhat around 570 mons Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unfrosted Posted Sunday at 05:55 PM Share Posted Sunday at 05:55 PM WTB 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zwirrfinst Posted Sunday at 05:58 PM Author Share Posted Sunday at 05:58 PM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grabarz23 Posted Sunday at 06:23 PM Share Posted Sunday at 06:23 PM wtb 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Javelinz Posted Sunday at 06:43 PM Share Posted Sunday at 06:43 PM (edited) Wtb Froakie hp fire and hp ice and 200k Bold sable eye Edited Sunday at 06:45 PM by Javelinz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1cloudz Posted Sunday at 06:48 PM Share Posted Sunday at 06:48 PM (edited) Wtb starmiee 150k and Edited Sunday at 06:50 PM by 1cloudz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Javelinz Posted Sunday at 06:51 PM Share Posted Sunday at 06:51 PM Also wtb 29 def torkoal 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shineybulbasaur Posted Sunday at 06:51 PM Share Posted Sunday at 06:51 PM (edited) wtb Edited Sunday at 06:51 PM by Shineybulbasaur 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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