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shop is closed.



1. auction time is 24 hours. if there is a higher offer in the last 3 hours the auction will be extended by 12 hours (anti sniping rule)

2. money only

3. minimum price step is 5k if below 75k, 10k if between 75k - 250k, 25k if between 250k - 500k, 50k if between 500k - 1m, 100k if above 1m

4. report if u withdraw after auction has ended







2hzmlby7.pngw6nwl6x4.png 24.05.2016

qgi54v5n.png2atllftf.png 27.05.2016

r8kffmie.pngff325hwz.png 28.05.2016

upjkoywb.pngwbnxp4hz.png 30.05.2016

opoujs65.pngrd6pjpaz.png 30.05.2016 (65k + 5 rare candys)

vzgkc48o.png8qw246dn.png 30.05.2016

xnkht7db.pngfb373xss.png 05.05.2016

cg7z7heh.pngahngopde.png 5.06.2016

u87nzmha.pngamrzki5n.png 5.06.2016

ctf48lxw.pngh6ebe57a.png 5.06.2016

9s6drdvx.pngjk4u3n6u.png 6.06.2016

b5hdwo7q.pngh8nty9kx.png 6.06.2016

8ttcs6wp.pnggtmcq2rm.png 7.06.2016

nqhfnxng.png 17.07.2016 ig with cyrex for skarmory and 60k

5ww3p5vz.png 17.07.2016 ig for 100k

kbubequn.pnglqvgug75.png 17.07.2016

5hi8wbcz.pngh58y4gmj.png 8.08.2016

ystthraj.pngy5phq2p9.png 10.08.2016

tkm3in75.pngpyx6yzmj.png 11.08.2016

9u3qnrhm.pngy3vm9pb7.png ig 14.08.2016






- ziIVIaGiiCz

- Cloudx

- zylove00


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  • Replies 71
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Re: Tymerods Lvl 100 Pokes (Charizard, Galvantula, Magnezone, Heracross, Crobat, Roserade, ...)


<r><QUOTE author="ziIVIaGiiCz"><s>

</s><POST content="167357"><s></s>167357<e></e></POST> Granbull 25 k i Start<e>


because u withdrawed after auction end i wont let u participate in any of my auctions from now on.<br/>

<IMG src="https://fs5.directupload.net/images/160524/vetz32xc.png"><s></e></IMG></r>

Re: Tymerods Lvl 100 Pokes (Charizard, Galvantula, Magnezone, Heracross, Crobat, Roserade, ...)


<r>Bump this up<br/>


<QUOTE author="Sharlank"><s>

</s><POST content="168493"><s></s>168493<e></e></POST> I'll buy lightball for 25k<br/>

Edit: nvm found in game at 10k :) free bump to the shop at least :p<e>



adjusted prices for items</r>

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