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Hi everyone, so yesterday I leveled up my shinx lvl 100 ( and evolved him into a luxray ). I wanted to go to relearn him wild charge and got so disapointed when I saw he couldn't learn it by leveling up ( which by the way he does normally) Then I checked and there were no HM or TM or move tutor to learn it and I got so mad because luxray without wild charge is just worthless. So I was saying to myself ok it's not in the game then ... And just about 5 minutes from now, I've been fighting the pumpkin king and his rattata used Wild charge ... So just one thing ... " W T F " ?

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Yea there's some Pokemon missing specific moves in there movepool right now. All you can really do is wait till it's updated and added into the game. Sawsbuck is another poke missing one of it's really good moves in its movepool.

[glow=red]"I will never grow older, At least not in my mind" ~[/glow]


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