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Veteran Rewards :)


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Hello guys , today i was thinking if there could be veteran rewards for Membership players , like depends on ur membership days past you get a rewardsd like untradable special cloths/hats/mounts, That will make people get more membership for the veteran rewards example : 1 month = a reward 3 months = other reward etc :) i hope this suggestion is good for you guys ! have fun playing pokemon revolution online :Exclam: :thanks:



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Another game I'm apart of awards you Loyalty Points on a monthly basis that gradually increase based on a continued subscription. These points are then spent in a shop that offers cosmetics and the like. If your basis of the idea correlates similar to this; then of course I would be all for it and fully support it :Smile: . However, if the rewards are based solely off account creation, then I suppose I could support that as well - but to a lesser extent; biased of course. Heheh.

(24) Badges / (12) OT Shiny / (0) Life

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171295 Another game I'm apart of awards you Loyalty Points on a monthly basis that gradually increase based on a continued subscription. These points are then spent in a shop that offers cosmetics and the like. If your basis of the idea correlates similar to this; then of course I would be all for it and fully support it :Smile: . However, if the rewards are based solely off account creation, then I suppose I could support that as well - but to a lesser extent; biased of course. Heheh.

it will courage ppl to get membership if they add special hats/cloths free to Ms time on a account ,i know there some in shop but some free could be nicer.



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This will make some items ingame only accessable if you donate. So nope. I do not agree and I think this would have a rather bad influence than it actually would do a good thing.


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we could receive reward about hours played:


100h: 1 leftovers

300h : 3 rare candies + 1 leftovers + 3x max revive

500h : 10x all ev berries + 3x rare candies + 50k

800h : random ( bagon + axel + dratini)

1000h: 1 ms medalion + exclusive hat 1000h

1200h: 10x rare candies + 3x big nuggets

1500h: 1 ms medalion + 3x random eevee

1800h: subway price 50% off

2000h: a " golden clothes + golden hat"

2200h: all safaris 50% off price

2500h: 2x shinys rate ( 1/4055)

2800h: exclusive bike

3000h: boss cooldown 4 days off, headbutt cooldown 6hours off and dig cooldown 1day off



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171303 This will make some items ingame only accessable if you donate. So nope. I do not agree and I think this would have a rather bad influence than it actually would do a good thing.


Some items are only available if you donate already. They advertise that as one of the benefits of getting membership even.


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171316 we could receive reward about hours played:


100h: 1 leftovers

300h : 3 rare candies + 1 leftovers + 3x max revive

500h : 10x all ev berries + 3x rare candies + 50k

800h : random ( eevee + bagon + axel + dratini)

1000h: 1 ms medalion + exclusive hat 1000h

1200h: 10x rare candies + " gold clothes"

1500h: 1 ms medalion + 3x random eevee + 200k

1800h: free subway

2000h: a " golden clothes + golden hat"

2200h: 2x shinys rate



nice ones



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171303 This will make some items ingame only accessable if you donate. So nope. I do not agree and I think this would have a rather bad influence than it actually would do a good thing.


Some items are only available if you donate already. They advertise that as one of the benefits of getting membership even.


You don't get any extra items if you buy membership. Yes you can buy clothing etc with coins which players with not much ingame money or real money won't buy. But those got nothing to do with membership.


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171303 This will make some items ingame only accessable if you donate. So nope. I do not agree and I think this would have a rather bad influence than it actually would do a good thing.


Some items are only available if you donate already. They advertise that as one of the benefits of getting membership even.


You don't get any extra items if you buy membership. Yes you can buy clothing etc with coins which players with not much ingame money or real money won't buy. But those got nothing to do with membership.

My idea just to courage players .. not telling its 100% good



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