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I have been talking to people is Discord and Teamspeak and Players in game and I have 100% agreement with this.



Instead of $5,000 per trip on the subway. Why not $5,000 for a day ticket.


Or you could do zoning. This would work in the same way of the London Underground. This London Underground has 8 zones for travel that cost 8 different prices. Examples;

Zone 1 Day Travel costs (I have no idea I haven't lived in London for a year now But it used to be £3.48)

Zone 1-2 Day Travel (4.50)

1-3 Day Travel (4.60)


And so on and so on.


What we could be is Zone Kanto and do daily tickets. E.G.

Zone 1 Saffron/Cerulean/Celadon/Vermillion. 3000 For A Daily Ticket

Zone 2 Lavender/Fuschia/Cinnabar/Viridian/Pewter. 5000 For a Daily Ticket (Zone 2 Will also let you travel to Zone 1 places without extra cost)


The Prices are unfair right now and I think this is a great way of doing it.

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Ive read in the post of why fly shouldn't be implemented that the mods want to make people walk so that they can farm some money, farm a shiny or two into the economy, etc. Therefore flat rates encourage you to walk whenever you have short distances given that the "price per meter" is much higher with a flat rate. Zoning would keep the price per meter constant (or closer to constant) and give much more incentives to use the train for short distances thus making people walk less (contrary to what the mods wanted).


Another reason why prices are ok as it is, is the money sink that the train is supposed to be. Most people don't realize that money needs to be drained out of the economy in order to avoid inflation. Yes we would all love to have free travel and we would be happier at first but in the future we would experience huge inflation that will make the game experience worse for everyone. Even WOW had to hire economists to save their game after inflation got out of control.

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