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origin forest


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Origin forest, the place where all the players begin. At first, where we can to see to mew the first time, and where red and lance are battling with megacharizard x vs dragonite.

I want a image complete of this map, if its possible

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you mean the map called 'Start'


you (or someone) will have to make a new account and make screenshots and stitch them together. Obtaining a staff's view of said map is impossible unless ur staff.


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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I have made some dialogues regarding basic things in the game to see if they could be implemented npc at the beginning of the game in places like forest origin, pallet town or viridian school. This npc could be aide oaks, campers, youngster.


npc1: the Pokeballs are used to catch Pokemon, remember weaken to facilitate their capture.


npc 2: you only can have with you 6 pokemons, you can to access at the others pokemons by using the pc located inside of pokemon centers.


npc3: did you know? the pokemons can hold objects and make use of these in battle.


npc4: there are changes in status that can harm the health of your Pokemon and affect performance in battle, these are: sleeps, paralizis, poison, burn, frost and fainted. (this npc could be in the viridian school, and to give an explication about its).

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