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battle system


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for example if we are going to battling at pewter gym it has 2 trainer.

if you beat the trainer that has geodude and sandshrew, before to facing brook you could restore your pokemon healths using potions or oran berries, i said the use of medicine would be out of battles

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173953 Most likely this would hurt a lot both competitive scene (suggestion 1) and npc battles (suggestion 2)...

1. Giving the opportunity of a free switch AFTER you kill an enemy pkmn would make the pvp much more snowballing with less chances of a comeback, makes really 0 sense imo :)

2. Not sure if it's necessarry to say anything about this one... go tell this suggestion to the avg player fighting e4 for the first time :)


This^, and we will not be making any changes to current battle system. On that note, locking the topic.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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