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Hi everyone so I just leveled up a cleffa lvl 99, evolved him into a cleferairy right away, then used a moon stone and used a rare candy so he could reach lvl 100 and then wanted to put him all his moves. The problem is the actual move relearner only relearn the moves of the actual state and not older ones ... And just like that a clefable can't learn moonblast ... Which is just stupid because that's the whole point of a move relearner ... So the improvment should be that move relearner can learn moves from an older state to avoid problems like these ... or to put move learner like thunder wave in sylph's building in saffron but with moon blast or wild charge and other moves like that ... ( BTW Gardevoir should be able to learn moonblast but not in the game ... )

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If I recall correctly, there's an NPC in both General Stores (Cela/Golden) that states this complication, vaguely. Personally, I agree with your idea and it would be nice to see implemented. However, there might be a coding issue with it which is why we don't see it, currently. So at best, maybe make that NPC appear in more areas offering more information towards players with similar concerns.

(24) Badges / (12) OT Shiny / (0) Life

I was talking about this with some other players a while ago that has the same problem as yours, but evolved clefairy into clefable early. Every one agreed with this suggestion because not only this makes some pokemons useless because some of them don't have their pre-evos catchable (those Pikas people farm early on just to know later they can't get Nasty Plot, only with Pichus), and some pokes don't relearn moves even if it show they can (Parasect). At least put them with the Eggs Moves maybe?

Even in official games, Pokemon can only relearn move from their own specific species. Not its evolutionary line, but just itself.


Move Relearner check for species, not evolutionary line. This is because each species has its own level-up move list.


PRO merely do the same system as in official games.







.......but we still can wait and see if PRO staffs will do something about it, though.

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