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can we have NPC to buy our items?


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Can we have an NPC to sell our items to, my bag is filled with items that I don't use and no one will buy in market. this cause the game to freeze for moments each time I open the bag in or outside battle and doesn't make it easier searching for items in bag.



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I agree with this. It's important to consider the economy however. The amount received for certain items would have to be small, but not to small. Enough of an incentive to sell the items to the npc, but not a large enough sum to hurt the economy too much. This is important to consider because of inflation. Pokemon and items obtained through coins become more expensive, because more money is in the economy. Money sink holes help, but currently, the net worth of the red server seems to be ever increasing.


There are 'trash' items to me like '20% increase to flying type attacks' that I will most likely never use. I'd rather have a small increase in cash.


However, directly, if you want to get rid of items, and don't care about money. You could simply put the item onto a 'trash' pokemon, and then release that pokemon.

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or, simply delete the items?


There is a trash option in the item bag :)


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or, simply delete the items?


There is a trash option in the item bag :)

I didn't know about that, even thought I still prefer the old way of selling it to npc even at small prices. trashing items and pokemons is hard on me :Crazy: .

but thanks for the info :thanks:


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