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Evolving is for Sissies....


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So, I have this idea that, I'm sure more than just me wants. I would like the ability to keep my pokemon

in their basic forms. Its cute and cuddly stage of life, but have the same effectiveness as a final form of the pokemon.


Pikachu is my prime example of a pokemon that Nintendo has been trying to keep young forever, like Ash Ketchum.

The thing is some Pokemon don't meet the criteria, but if you think about it, not all Pokemon have Mega Stones, either.

Pikachu in the games has a "Light Ball" item and "Evolite" item, but these only effect certain stats on the pokemon.


So, I will respect the sanctity of keeping Pokemon Revolution Online closely tailored after the Pokemon Franchise,

but just think "Primal Reversion Stones".

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So you want a Larvitar that's as bulky and strong as a Tyranitar.


......you do know that basically completely removes the entire point of their evolved form, right? :Ambivalent:


Don't get me wrong, I do get your point, I just don't think this is the right way to do it......


Also, Primal Reversion is a Groudon/Kyogre only thing, and we're never going to get Primal Groudon/Kyogre as our own Pokemon in PRO.

Try another name?








And oh, Nintendo doesn't care about the anime. They're game company, not anime producer. And they didn't even make the game, Game Freak did. Nintendo is merely a game distributor in this case. If anything the anime is The Pokemon Company's territory :Sing:

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Its an interesting concept, but for a game, it doesnt work.


Also, FYI we dont want to make the game easy, nintendo has tailored the recent games towards young children to pick up and play, but not good for hardcore pokemon enthusiasts, as it is literally so simple to beat.


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