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[glow=red]Hey everyone, Obliternade here.[/glow]

I'd just like to take a couple of minutes out of your day, and would like for you to read over this post.


At the moment, there has been a lot of Hoenn hype, everyone seems to be getting very excited, but the main thing I'm not hearing much of, is appreciation. I'm not saying no one does it, but lets all congratulate the admins, for their constant, and let me repeat that, CONSTANT Effort that they put in to make sure our experience on this game is the best. Not many of you know, but I've spoken to some of the admins (Some may remember, some may not) But I just ask them how their day was, and wish them a great one, because honestly, the staff team, are some of the most committed bunch of beautiful people I've ever seen in my life, they've always got the players on their minds, working their hardest to ensure everything is done to perfection, so just before or even after Hoenn comes out, just chuck the admins a message if they're online in game, and if they allow it, and thank them, for all the excellent work they've put in towards every single one of us, they constantly put us over their every day lives to ensure that we're satisfied, and I thank them sincerely for it. Thanks for reading my rant, and seriously, good job staff team, I love every single one of you,


Peace ~ Obliternade.

Back again ~ I swear its the last time.


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agreed nade these people spend their free time to make this game a thing and next to no-one bats a eye to appreciate what they have done. But with out them most people won't know each other. All the people in our guild keeps helping each other and most of them are happy for it. Good no Great job staff!

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