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Me and about 4 rl friends used to play "another pokemon mmo game" like 2 or 3 years ago. With a combined total of like 500~ hours, only 1 of us ever saw a shiny. Our friend that saw it had played the least out of any of us, and he traded it away for some rly bad pokemon to some random person. We all hated him for it. Even after we all quit PokeMMO, we all still frequently brought up how he was the only one that got a shiny and how he gave it away like an idiot. About a year ago, a few of us got into PRO, but not the friend that had gotten the shiny. When we had finished most of the game, our shiny friend decided that he would make an account and play just so that he could get a shiny and piss us all off. So, he got on, and he farmed in the first grassy area for a shiny with his starting pokeballs. And you know what? He caught a fuCKING shiny. Within like 2 hours. We all HATED him. Shortly after that, we all stopped playing for a few months. Again, despite having quit, we still frequently brought up the shiny incident.


Just yesterday, we found out that Hoenn was being released soon, so we decided to all get back into PRO. The shiny idiot friend joked that he would get on and get another shiny. And you know what? HE GOT ANOTHER MOTEHUFKCINDG SHINY. WITHIN AN HOUR OF PLAYING. IN THE SAME FUCKING FIRST GRASSY AREA. like what the FUCK? Is there a drastically improved shiny encounter rate in the first area? Does my friend have godlike luck? PLEASE EXPLAIN.





I had taken a pic of the first time that he caught a shiny on PRO, but I can't find it now. But yea, there's the picture that I took like an hour ago from his share screen on skype. Notice that he has a total play time of 3 hours 23 minutes, and only 3 pokemon caught. 2 of which are shinies.

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181546 So... the point of this poetic post? Just needed a place to blow off some steam? It's a rattata shiny anyway, you can buy it for like 5/10k... Try to be happy for your so-called friend next time instead of being jelly, and no, shiny-rate encounter hasn't been changed

ya pretty much, should have included (rant) in title but w/e, and ye, even tho the shiny is bad its jut the principle behind it, u know? and I would be happy for him if he hadn't been taunting all of us for the past 3 years about his godlike luck

181547 e4J1Kvi.png


Btw Link ^^

o haha thx :D

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181542 Me and about 4 rl friends used to play "another pokemon mmo game" like 2 or 3 years ago. With a combined total of like 500~ hours, only 1 of us ever saw a shiny. Our friend that saw it had played the least out of any of us, and he traded it away for some rly bad pokemon to some random person. We all hated him for it. Even after we all quit spam, we all still frequently brought up how he was the only one that got a shiny and how he gave it away like an idiot. About a year ago, a few of us got into PRO, but not the friend that had gotten the shiny. When we had finished most of the game, our shiny friend decided that he would make an account and play just so that he could get a shiny and [Censored] us all off. So, he got on, and he farmed in the first grassy area for a shiny with his starting pokeballs. And you know what? He caught a [Censored] shiny. Within like 2 hours. We all HATED him. Shortly after that, we all stopped playing for a few months. Again, despite having quit, we still frequently brought up the shiny incident.


Just yesterday, we found out that Hoenn was being released soon, so we decided to all get back into PRO. The shiny idiot friend joked that he would get on and get another shiny. And you know what? HE GOT ANOTHER MOTEHUFKCINDG SHINY. WITHIN AN HOUR OF PLAYING. IN THE SAME [Censored] FIRST GRASSY AREA. like what the [Censored]? Is there a drastically improved shiny encounter rate in the first area? Does my friend have godlike luck? PLEASE EXPLAIN.





I had taken a pic of the first time that he caught a shiny on PRO, but I can't find it now. But yea, there's the picture that I took like an hour ago from his share screen on skype. Notice that he has a total play time of 3 hours 23 minutes, and only 3 pokemon caught. 2 of which are shinies.


The chance of an encounter with a shiny is 1/8192, so it sounds like your friend is very lucky.

However, I would like to direct you to the Rules as this is a PG game. In future please keep in mind our rules regarding profanity.

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